Session 1723, Budget Study Minutes
<br />May 13, 1998
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<br />supervisor's ceiling fan costs $1,000, where the one listed above only costs
<br />$500, but he will check it out and report back to him. Responding further to
<br />Mr. Munkel, Mr. Ollendorff said that the lightbars were the flashing lights on
<br />the police cars and that the budget reflects the purchase of fifteen. Responding
<br />to Mayor Adams, Mr. Ollendorff said that they were not currently comfortable
<br />enough yet with computer terminals in the police cars. They believe the
<br />systems on the market require more testing, before they will invest in them.
<br />Responding further to the Mayor, Mr. Ollendorff said that they have considered
<br />placing video in the cars, but, again, it is considered as yet unperfected and he
<br />is unwilling to invest in this technology now. Mayor Adams said that when the
<br />state passed new ticketing procedures, allowing electronic ticketing, i.e.
<br />photographs of speeders, or photos of people running through stop lights, he
<br />would like to have this technology considered, as well. Mr. Ollendorff said the
<br />police is looking at all this type of equipment, and even they are not ready to
<br />buy them. Mayor Adams said that it was not legal, yet, in the state. Mr.
<br />Ollendorff said that the budget did include a couple of video cameras that
<br />could be carried in the cars, but not mounted permanently in the cars.
<br />Responding to Mr. Munkel, Mr. Rose stated that the $35,000 budgeted for
<br />radio software was to correct the 2000 computer problems, which includes the
<br />computer aided dispatch.
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<br />20.20 FIRE DEPARTMENT:
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<br />Mr. Ollendorff reported no major changes in personnel, other than the
<br />proposed three percent increase, and an extra step increase for the Chief.
<br />Responding to Mr. Munkel, Mr. Rose said that the $350,000 is to purchase a
<br />new pumper/ladder truck, which should extend the life of the current ladder
<br />truck, which costs $750,000. Mr. Ollendorff noted that 728.01, Social
<br />Security, should list $2,800, not $3,800. Under 743.04, Institutional
<br />Equipment, it should list $5,000, not $6,800. Under 743.08, Office Furniture
<br />and Equipment, it should list $4,350, not $12,000. Responding to Mr. Munkel,
<br />Mr. Ollendorff said that the two unknown items should be crossed out. Mr.
<br />Ollendorff directed Council to pencil in, underneath "Turn Out Gear", 749.98,
<br />Reserve Expenditures, Fire Truck, $350,000 under the Capital Outlay
<br />summary on page C-35. Responding to Mr. Munkel, Mr. Rose said the length
<br />of time to get the new fire truck could be a little over a year. Mr. Wagner
<br />pointed out that one of the main responsibilities of this department was to
<br />extinguish fires, and this very important duty is not listed as a responsibility
<br />under the department's program activity description on page C-3 l. Mr.
<br />Ollendorff will have it added. Mr. Lieberman said that Mr. Ollendorff should
<br />also list the paramedic service in their program activity.
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