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07/29/1991 Regular
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City Council Minutes
07/29/1991 Regular
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<br />Session 1551, Minutes <br />July 29, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />CITIZEN cx::Mmn'S <br /> <br />Ms. Ill1a Dempsey, 6815 Roberts, secretary for Roberts-Raym:>n:i-Melrose Block <br />Unit, said this area has been together to create a stro~ neighbor- <br />hood, however, there are two businesses on Ferguson that are creat~ prob- <br />, Inc. and a taVen1 called 'Ihree Pigs. She said the ~ <br />property is covered with debris and trash, and it has refused to work with <br />neighbors to keep the area clean. '!be taVen1 is a problem because it is very <br />noisy at night. She said the Block unit would like to start procE'€dings to <br />close those businesses. Resporrlin:J to Mrs. 'lhonpson, Ms. Dempsey said there <br />are often odors in the area fram chemicals used by P:ro-Tect, and the Block <br />Unit would like to make sure they are comply~ with the Clean Air Act. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus said the city will serxi an inspector as soon as possible, She <br />asked Ms. Dempsey to talk with Mr. Ollerrlorff and give him the particulars. <br /> <br />BIT J F; FOR SECOND AND 'IHIRD RFADINGS <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8026 - AMENDING 0fAPI'ER 7 MJNICIPAL CODE REIATING 'IO CHARITABlE s0- <br />LICITATIONS BY REPFALING SECrION 7-2, AND ENACrING IN LIEU rrnEREOF A NEW SEC- <br />TION 'IO BE KNCMN AS "SECrION 7-2" SO AS TO ELIMINATE THE FHRASE "AT THE INTER- <br />SECrION OF ~OOON AND OLIVE" FRCM '!HE REUJIREMENlS FOR '!HE USE OF HIGHWAYS <br />IN SOLICITATIONS FOR OIARITY AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECrION (F) OF SECrION 7-2. <br />Bill No. 8026 was given its second rea~. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8026 was given its third rea~. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams moved that this bill be adopted as an ordinance. Mr. Price second- <br />ed the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: AYES: Coun- <br />ci1members Price, Adams, Wagner, Schuman, Schoomer, 'Ihompson and Mayor Majer- <br />us. NAYS: None. Bill No. 8026 became Ordinance No. 5816. <br /> <br />BIIL NO. 8027 - AUIHORIZING '!HE CITY MANAGER TO GRAN!', SEIL, CONVEY AND CON- <br />FIRM 'IO sr. LOUIS CXXJNI'Y WATER CXMPANY A PERMANENl' EASEMENT IN '!HE STRIP OR <br />STRIPS OF GROUND AS SHCMN HAOIURED ON '!HE "EASEMENT PlAT" MARKED EXHIBIT "A". <br />Bill No. 8027 was given its second rea~. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8027 was given its third rea~. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams moved that this bill be adopted as an ordinance. Mr. Price second- <br />ed the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: AYES: Coun- <br />cil.members Adams, Wagner, Schuman, Schoomer, '!bompson, Price and Mayor Majer- <br />us. NAYS: None. Bill No. 8027 became Ordinance No. 5817. <br /> <br />BIT J F; FOR INTROIXJCrION <br /> <br />BIIL NO. 8028 - AMENDING aIAPI'ER 23 MJNICIPAL CODE REIATING TO OFFENSES--MIS- <br />CEU.ANEX:XJS BY :REPEALING SECrION 23-26 AND ENACrING IN LIEU rrnEREOF A NEW SEC- <br />TION TO BE KNCMN AS "SECrION 23-26. NOISE GENERALLY-LOUD AND UNNECE'SSARY <br />NOISE PROHIBITED," BY ADDING A PARAGRAIH WHICH DFAIS WI'IH ALL EMERGENCY AIARM <br />SYSTEMS. <br />A bill was introduced by Council1neniber Schoomer, entitled: <br />
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