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06/17/1991 Regular
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City Council Minutes
06/17/1991 Regular
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<br />~ <br /> <br />Session 1548, Minutes <br />June 17, 1991 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Year-end Budaet Transfers (#5). AR;>roval was rec:c:muterled of year-eni budget <br />transfers from accounts where :furrls are available to accounts requirin;J addi- <br />tional experrli.tures. '!he list of transfers is attached to the minutes. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoomer noved that Item #6, an application fran AOORN for a solicitation <br />permit, be relOOVed from the Consent Calerrlar. Mr. Wagner secorrled the motion <br />arx:l all voted Aye. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoamer noved approval of the Consent Calerrlar. Mrs. Sdunnan sec:orxied <br />the motion, which carried unaniJnously. <br /> <br />SOLICITATION PERMIT - AOORN <br /> <br />'!he City Manager said ACORN applied for its annual solicitation pennit, with <br />canvassin;J to be conducted door-to-door from July 26-August 16, 1991, errlin:;J <br />each day by 8:30 p.m. '!he group also wishes to have a canister solicitation <br />of vehicles at Olive and Woodson on its tag days of June 22, July 27, arx:l Au- <br />gust 31. Approval was recamrnerrled with the qualification that only adults be <br />authorized to solicit those in vehicles. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoamer said he disliked the idea of a canister solicitation, arx:l asked <br />about the City's liability. Mr. Ollerrlorff said a City ordinance allows this <br />type of solicitation at Woodson and Olive, and several groups have done this <br />in the past. He said the City Attomey was draftin;J a revision to this ordi- <br />nance which Council will receive in July. AOORN will also be info:nned it <br />does not neet Co\mty restrictions, which prohibit this type of solicitation. <br /> <br />Mr. Schoamer noved approval. Mrs. '!hampson sec:orxied the motion, which car- <br />ried unaniJnously. <br /> <br />CX>NDITIONAL USE PERMIT - 6985 OLIVE/CARRY-<XJl' RESTAURANl' <br /> <br />'!he City Manager said he conc:u.rrej in the reccmnendations of the Plan canmis- <br />sion arx:l staff to approve a corrlitional use permit from Roderick arx:l Virginia <br />Bell to open a carry-out restaurant at 6985 Olive, subject to the followin;J <br />conditions : <br /> <br />1. No meat shall be bamecued at this location. If at any time the opera- <br />tors plan to bamecue meat at this location, an application for amerx:hnent <br />of this Conditional Use Pennit must be reviewed by the City Plan Camnis- <br />sion at a public hearin;J arx:l approved by the City Council. <br />2. Access to the site fram Permsylvania Avenue shall be limited to the alley <br />entrance north of the property. All necessary permits must be obtained <br />fram st. IDuis Co\mty Department of Highways arx:l Traffic arx:l the univer- <br />sity City Public Works Deparbnent. '!he alley is to be paved a <br />len:fth of twenty (20) feet east of the Permsylvania Avenue right-of-way. <br />3. All signs on the property shall confonn with the provisions of the uni- <br />versity City Sign Code. <br />4. A detailed larx:lscape plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning <br />for review arx:l approval. Iarrlscapin;J shall be installed arx:l maintained <br />in accordance with the approved plan. <br />5. '!he operator of the restaurant shall regularly police the site arx:l the <br />neighborhood adjacent to the restaurant to relOOVe litter arx:l debris. <br />
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