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<br />session 1565, Minutes <br />March. 16, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />5. Active serwers arrl other utilities in the fo:rmer Gay Avenue right-of-way <br />shall be located so that no part of the b.1i.ldi.n;J is over an active <br />utility line. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocaner said this was :reclurmnt since it is specifiOO in the site plan <br />arrl MSD requires it already. Mr. Price lOOVOO that this c:x:>rxlition be left as <br />is. Mr. Wagner secorrled the notion, arrl all voted Aye except Mrs. '!hc::mp:;on <br />arrl Mr. Schocaner, who voted Nay. <br /> <br />6. No heatirq or air c:x:>rxlitionirq equipnent or duct work shall be located on <br />the roof. Electric seJ:Vice shall be installOO mrlergrourrl. Exterior mechan- <br />ical equipnent arrl refuse storage shall be screened fran view' fran Delmar <br />Boulevard. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocaner lOOVOO to strike the first sentence since it has already been <br />dealt with. '!he notion diOO. Discussion ensuOO on the merits of enclosing <br />the heatirq arrl air c:x:>rxlitioning within a false roof. Mr. Wagner lOOVOO to <br />change the first sentence to read "No heating or air c:x:>rxlitioning equipnent <br />or duct v.rork on the roof shall be visible fran the groun:l level fran any <br />aSPeCt. " Mr. Price secorrlOO the lIK)tion, which carriOO unaninx:lusly. <br /> <br />7. '!he layout of the site shall maximize the widths of larrlscapej yards on <br />the north, east, arrl west sides of the property with the parkirq arrl drives <br />laid out as far as possible fran the side arrl rear of adjacent hanes, arrl <br />shall preseJ:Ve the century oaks with no excavation or equipnent pennitted <br />within the drip line of the trees. '!he rear yard should be no less than 30 <br />feet arrl the side yards no less than 20 feet. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocaner said if preseJ:Ving the century oaks is approvOO, the proposed <br />buildi.n;J cannot be b.1i.1 t. He lOOVOO to strike that phrase, arrl change the <br />rear yard to 25 feet arrl the side yards to 15 feet. '!here was no secorrl. <br />Mrs. Schuman asked what rnnnbers were required by the Code for transitional <br />yards. Mr. Goldman said since this was a special use, an appropriate number <br />nnJSt be usErl that makes the proposal acceptable on the chosen site-15 feet <br />for the side (not transitional) yard is usErl in m:lSt places arrl he felt it <br />was appropriate here, with 25 feet for the rear yard. He said the mi.ninn.nns <br />should be close to Code requirements (15 feet) for transitional yards. His- <br />torically, a 20% latitude has been allowed, which means a 12 foot absolute <br />minilllum. Respc:>rrli.rg to Mr. Wagner, Mr. Goldman said it would be very diffi- <br />cult to save the ancient trees no ma.tter hOW' the b.1i.1di.n;J is laid out. Mr. <br />Price lOOVOO that c:x:>rxlition :/#7 be approvOO as sul:mitted. Again, there was no <br />secorrl. In response to Mr. Price, Mr. Goldman said this c:x:>rxlition sets lim- <br />its on where the b.1i.ldi.n;J ma.y be located on the site, arrl should ensure that <br />the site plan will carg;>ly with the starrlards set by this c:x:>rxlition. Mrs. <br />Schuman suggested that transitional yards be 15 feet on both side arrl back <br />yards. Mr. Schocaner acx::epted that, however, Mr. Adams pointed out the parkirq <br />c:x:>nfiguration must then be changOO. Mr. zilnbalist said the plan before Coun- <br />cil was carefully prepared by professionals, arrl changirq it cannot be done <br />easily because there are so many variables involvOO. Mr. Price pointed out <br />that council was not dealing with a site plan but c:x:>nsid.erirq only the c:x:>rxli- <br />tional use pennit. Mr. Price lOOVOO approval of corxlition :/#7 but emitting the <br />phrase "arrl shall preseJ:Ve the century oaks with no excavation or equipnent <br />