Session 1684, Minutes
<br />December 16, 1996
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<br />Page 3
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<br />Setting Public Hearing - Alley Vacation (//4). It was recommended that a public hearing be set for 7:30
<br />p.m. January 6, 1997, in the Council chambers to consider comments on the proposed vacating of a dead
<br />end alley running north from Ahem just east of North and South Road. The property owner of both
<br />sides of this alley requests the vacation so the property may be added to their side yards. The public
<br />right-of-way has never been improved and deadends at the rear yard of the adjacent properties.
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<br />Heman Park Recreation Facility - Change Order for Bad Soils (#5). A change order for $24,552.81 was
<br />added to the recreation facility renovation costs when bad soil was discovered. The contractor found
<br />old concrete from a previous construction site when they began digging for floodwalls. The concrete
<br />had to be broken up, dug out, hauled off' and replaced with new concrete, resulting in the extra cost.
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<br />Network Hardware and Software Upgrades (#6). Bids were received to upgrade the Planning Depart-
<br />ment's Novell network, and will include software and memory upgrades to the existing network commu-
<br />nity. It also includes software, hardware, and memory upgrades to add Administration, Parks and Per-
<br />sonnel to the network. The budgeted amount of $34,200 includes $1,500 for Personnel, $1,760 for Ad-
<br />ministration and the rest for planning. Seven vendors were invited to bid, with the following results:
<br />
<br />J & G Networks
<br />Systems Services (female owned)
<br />MJB Networks (female owned)
<br />Kennsco, Inc.
<br />EPC, Inc.
<br />
<br />$33,895
<br />$30,307
<br />$29,775
<br />$25,438
<br />$25,260
<br />
<br />It was recommended that the contract be awarded to EPC, Inc., for their low bid of $25,260.
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<br />Network Cabling Conversion (#7). Bids were received to convert the Planning Department's Arcnet
<br />cabling structure to an Ethernet platform, which is a state-of-the-art cabling structure that is an industry
<br />standard and easily maintained and supported. In addition to overall network cabling conversion, Ad-
<br />ministration, Personnel, and Parks will be cabled into the network, which will be maintained and support-
<br />ed centrally by the Planning Department. Purchase will include software, hardware, and memory up-
<br />grades to add Administration, Parks, and Personnel to the network. This project was budgeted at
<br />$11,300, with $1,000 coming from Administration and $1,000 from Parks; the remainder is from the
<br />Planning budget. Twelve vendors were invited to bid, with the following response:
<br />
<br />J & G Networks
<br />Systems Services (female owned)
<br />
<br />$18,230.40
<br />$11,564.00
<br />
<br />Acceptance of System Services' low bid of $11,564.00 was recommended.
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<br />Heman Park Recreation Facility Rental Fees (#8). On August 16, 1996, the City Council approved rent-
<br />al fees for the Heman Park recreation facility field area of $40 an hour for residents (at least 75% from
<br />University City) and $65 an hour for non-residents. At its November 26 meeting, the Park Commission
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