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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1312, Minutes Page 2 <br /> July 26, 1982 <br /> <br /> Mr. Levy said it was not unusual for a municipal course to have a reservation sys- <br /> tem, and asked for Mr. Ollendorff's views on the proposal. Mr. Ollendorff said he <br /> felt the system created i=..1 will because reserjEticns were desired at the busiest <br /> times, and golfers without reservations had to wait 'Longer to get on the course. <br /> Mr. Levy said most golfers were already familiar with the reservation system. How- <br /> ever, he had another concern, which had to do with auxiliary facilities. He thought <br /> that operation of the snack bar was a gross insult to University City, since there <br /> was often no one there at times when the course was busiest, and that this reflected <br /> very adversely on what was otherwise an excellent facility. He asked about the <br /> City's criteria for awarding a franchise, noting that the group operating the snack <br /> bar seemed very irresponsible, and that he had heard this complaint from many golf- <br /> ers. Mr. Ollendorff said he would report on the franchise at the next meeting. Mr. <br /> Levy said he would recommend that reservations be taken between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 <br /> a.m. Saturday and Sunday, charging non-residents 50c, and residents nothing. The <br /> reservations could be taken at City Hall prior to Wednesday, for the following week- <br /> end. He thought the reservation system would enhance the professionalism of the <br /> City's golf course and also increase play, adding that improvement of the auxiliary <br /> services would make it a first-class facility of which the City could be proud. <br /> Mayor Mooney asked that Mr. Ollendorff provide Mr. Levy and the rest of the Council <br /> with background information on the facilities and the changes which have occurred <br /> in the last few years. <br /> In response to Mrs. Thompson, Mr. Ollendorff said a number of University City resi- <br /> dents had requested the rese,-vat`,Dn system. She said it seemed to her that the <br /> system should work quite well. <br /> Mr. Ollendorff though. that -:hose who had to wait would become angry when those <br /> with reservations got right on the course, but Mr. Levy pointed out that a resident <br /> had the prerogative of making a reservation, Mr. Ollendorff said that the majority <br /> of people playing at the course were non-residents. He also called attention to <br /> the fact that there was about half again as much play at the course as when the re- <br /> servation system was formerly in effect. He did not attribute that specifically to <br /> not having a reservation system, but said more pressure would be created if a re- <br /> servation system was in effect., <br /> Mr. Levy asked that the Council consider trying the reservation system for this <br /> season to find out whether it is workable and desirable. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said she thought the strongest argument to justify having a reserva- <br /> tion system was that it favored University City residents. However, it would mean <br /> slightly more work administratively even if it was handled as efficiently as possi- <br /> ble. She noted that those who take reservations must be enthusiastic about it, as <br /> they are the key to making the system work. <br /> Mr. Schoomer said the key issue was how to maximize use of the course while still <br /> benefiting those who paid for it, the City's taxpayers. <br /> Mr. Rubin Schlafman, 747 Yale, asked to address the Council. After discussing the <br /> reservation system proposal with several golfers, Mr. Schlafman said it seemed to <br /> him that the only reason a reservation system was desired was that golfers did not <br /> want to get up early enough to get on the course before there was a waiting line. <br /> He also felt a reservation system would create ill will. <br />