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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1310, Minutes Page 8 <br /> June 21, 1982 <br /> <br /> meetings, noting that University City has four votes, but there is a unit rule which <br /> meant that all four votes must be cast for or against, although the City may also <br /> take no position., <br /> <br /> Mr. Levy said he would like to have more information and that he was not ready to <br /> vote at this time, He suggested that the Council not take a position at present. <br /> Mr. Adams said he thought the Council should operate according to Council rules (no <br /> abstentions), even though that would not be binding in this instance. He said he <br /> would like more information, also, specifically how the money generated would be <br /> spent and how it would benefit University City and the St. Louis area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lieberman said he sensed the Council was not ready-to take a position now, but <br /> hoped they would try to inform themselves on this matter by Thursday and attend the <br /> meeting so their viewpoints will be represented.. He said there would be time after <br /> debate to caucus with the rest of the Council and decide what position to take. <br /> COUNTY PARK PLAN <br /> <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said the new St. Louis County Park Plan was. to be put into final form <br /> within a month or two, and she felt that the Council would want to look at it and <br /> study it very carefully to ascertain that University City residents will be ade- <br /> quately served by this plan. She said she'd like the staff to get complete infor- <br /> mation about the County's proposal for long term park facilities, and then the <br /> staff, the Park Commission and Council should examine it thoroughly to see if any <br /> changes or additions should be recommended. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said the Pa-k Commission met the following evening and it would be <br /> difficult to get information for them from the staff on such short notice. It may <br /> be possible fore the Commission to hold a special meeting on this matter, if necessary. <br /> SITE PLAN REVIEW - 6380 DELMAR <br /> <br /> Mr. Levy said he had asked that this item be placed on the agenda. He said he had <br /> met with Mr. Curtis Thomas, who was requesting approval of an application which in- <br /> cluded four amusement devices, subject to all City restrictions on indoor commer- <br /> cial amusement uses, Mr. Levy said he was impressed with Mr. Thomas' sense of in- <br /> tegrity and noted -hat there was a sense of urgency connected with this situation <br /> in that a financial hardship would be created for the applicant if the Council did <br /> not take action on this matter at this meeting. Mr. Levy said he had obtained as- <br /> surance from Mr. Al Goldman, Director of Planning, that this site plan review did <br /> not need to come before the Plan Commission for approval prior to coming before the <br /> Council. He said councilmembers had received information from Mr. Thomas concern- <br /> ing this application. <br /> Mr. Lieberman pointed out that although it's not necessary that site plan review go <br /> before the Plan Commission, it did require a staff review and report which the <br /> Council had not received. Mr. Ollendorff said he could give the report verbally, <br /> if the Council wished to consider this item. He reported on what had transpired in <br /> this matter, noting that the applicant has moved to a new location, just three <br /> doors from his prior location. He said the applicant had been caught in the middle <br /> of an administration change. Several years ago a site plan review would have been <br />