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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1309, Minutes Page 2 <br /> June 7, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> paired, but there is now another problem. The street was repaired in such a way <br /> that all of the rainwater flows into his back yard and a great deal of erosion has <br /> taken place. He asked that the matter be looked into further to see what solutions <br /> might be available, Mayor Mooney asked Mr. Ollendorff to follow up on this and re- <br /> port to the Council the action that is taken. <br /> CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS <br /> <br /> ANNUAL STREET IMPROVEMENT RATE REPORT <br /> <br /> In accordance with the Residential Street Improvement Assessment policy adopted by <br /> the City Council on May 24, 1982, the City Manager said he was to report annually <br /> on typical construction costs and the resultant proposed street assessments. Using <br /> typical improvement costs based on contracts awarded by the City in 1981 and 1982, <br /> new street improvement projects initiated after acceptance of these rates by the <br /> City Council would be assessed at $11.00 per front foot for street improvements; <br /> $5.50 per side or rear yard abutting foot for street improvements; and $10.00 per <br /> foot for property abutting alley improvements. The rates would apply to any pro- <br /> jects not previously initiated under former policies and would be for the 1982-83 <br /> fiscal year. <br /> Mayor Mooney stated that a vote of thanks should be given to Mr. Lieberman and his <br /> two committee members, Mr. Levy and Mr. Schoomer, who worked on this matter and <br /> made recommendations to the Council. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe moved approval of the above rates. Mr. Adams seconded the motion, <br /> which carried unanimously. <br /> NON-UNIFORMED EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN <br /> <br /> The City Manager said a request had been received to review the non-uniformed em- <br /> ployees pension plan in order to allow for a reduced pension at age 62 with fifteen <br /> years of service, and it was also suggested that it be made retroactive to person- <br /> nel who have left City service. At present, the plan provides for full pension at <br /> age 65 with fifteen years of service, or a reduced pension at age 55 with twenty <br /> years of service. The cost of an actuarial study for this change would be from $700 <br /> to $1,000. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said that it would be unwise, given the general fiscal condition of <br /> the City, to investigate a pension change that would cost the City money. If it was <br /> for a specific case, she felt it should be handled in executive session. Mayor <br /> Mooney concurred, and called for an executive session on Monday, June 21, at 6:00 <br /> p.m., where this would be one of the items discussed. <br /> CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION - 6803 KINGSBURY <br /> The City Manager said the City received an application to convert 6803 Kingsbury in- <br /> to a condominium. Required inspections were made and it was found that the proposed <br /> improvements would not result in the property meeting University City code standards. <br /> Additionally, there is an illegal basement apartment. Mr. Ollendorff recommended <br /> that the application be denied, although the owner may submit a better, revised plan <br /> at a later date. <br />