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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1308, Minutes Page 10 <br /> May 24, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> this matter be placed on the agenda. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mooney said he was one who requested that this subject be discussed again be- <br /> cause he felt the Council should be working for University City, and whatever it <br /> did should be for the benefit of University City, regardless of the benefit to in- <br /> dividual councilmembers. <br /> Rev. Sterling Lands, 6943 Roberts, asked to address the Council. Rev. Lands said <br /> he understood that not renewing the City's membership-in NLC meant that the City <br /> would lose some publications. Mayor Mooney said there was a weekly newsletter, but <br /> he thought not all councilmembers read it. Rev. Lands asked if the City would lose <br /> a direct vote at the national meeting, and the Mayor said that was correct, but <br /> that it really did not make that much difference when there were 4,000 people vot- <br /> ing. He said there was no way for an individual to have much influence unless he <br /> represented a large city. Rev. Lands then wished to know if councilmembers would <br /> lose the right to hold certain offices on official committees. Mayor Mooney said <br /> that three of the Council (Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Adams and himself) are on national <br /> steering committees, and those positions would be forfeited if the City did not pay <br /> its dues. However, all councilmembers may make comments, express opinions and ask <br /> questions at any of the meetings. <br /> Mr. Adams said he disagreed with several of the Mayor's points. Mr. Adams said it <br /> was very important to have a voice on the steering committees, which determine the <br /> issues that reach the floor for a vote. He said perhaps other councilmembers don't <br /> read the newsletter, but he did so he would be-informed on current issues. He felt <br /> it had been somewhat misleading to interpret some of the policies of the NLC as be- <br /> ing in favor of President Reagan's "new federalism" but thought the NLC was merely <br /> recognizing that it exists and that the cities will have to cope with it. He said <br /> the NLC was one of the few ways cities have of trying to influence the federal gov- <br /> ernment and he thought $1500 was a small price to pay for the benefits the City re- <br /> ceived from the NLC. <br /> Mr. Charles Alphin, 8004 Noel Court, asked to address the Council. He asked how <br /> many national organizations University City belonged to. Mr. Ollendorff said sev- <br /> eral department heads belong to professional organizations in their own fields, but <br /> the NLC is the only one to which the Council belongs. Mayor Mooney said the NLC was <br /> a lobbying organization which tried to influence Congress, but he felt the Council <br /> could do a better lobbying job by contacting its congressional representatives per- <br /> sonally and telling them what the City wants. Mr. Alphin asked if the benefits to <br /> the City had decreased recently. The Mayor said that not only had the benefits de- <br /> creased, but that the dues had increased dramatically. He asked Mr. Ollendorff to <br /> comment. <br /> Mr. Ollendorff said the main benefit the City should get from the NLC was having its <br /> viewpoint represented, and it was his opinion that this had not been the case for <br /> the last several years. <br /> Mr. Douglas King, 6841 Crest, asked to address the Council. He asked why only this <br /> organizational membership and not others were being considered for cancellation. <br /> Mayor Mooney said he formerly belonged to the U. S. Conference of Mayors, where he <br /> also served on a committee; however, he decided that because of budgetary consider- <br /> ations he would drop his membership, thereby saving the City $1,000. He noted the <br />