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he has total control, but SLU's name goes on and it plays at the university. <br /> <br />4. OUR IN THE CITY Denise Ward-Brown & Lindsey Chesky Disclosure: Ed <br />knows Lindsey's father. Their film about the 1st gay-lesbian high school prom <br />is complete. They know this is an unusual request. They brought and play a 5 <br />minute trailer of film. They want to produce a DVD for sale, with out takes, <br />then advertise it and have a premiere. Their release form was not good; they <br />agreed to use ours. There are U. City students in the film <br /> <br />5. DIGITAL CITY REMIX Leon Lamont and Carol Crosby presenting. Eric <br />disclosed he knows Paul Guzzardo, the principal who at one time was, but is not <br />currently, a client of his. Basically new media in St. Louis, starts with theories of <br />McLuhan, then media form 80's till now. How artists are affected by this, the <br />international impact St. Louis has. For example, showing movies on building <br />walls, using cell phones to make music. Jim asked it the topic was aimed at too <br />small a group. <br /> <br />6. ROOF ON FIRE, David Noble presenting. This will cover poetry in St. Louis <br />from the Burning of the Wabash in 1994 to the Poetry Slam at the Pageant in <br />2004. Underground poetry, remind people what can be created. Ed asked if <br />poetry in Gaslight Square in the 50s would be included, he said as background. <br />There will be many interviews, emphasis on multi-generational impact. He is <br />using KDHX as tech support. <br /> <br />7. STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE Kevin & Frank McKeown. U City residents, <br />they looked for a project that would have a history, and be entertaining. Jim <br />asked if this was intended to promote the potential streetcar line, they said not <br />really. Shelly said she'd prefer the focus be on history, not pushing current <br />project. They intend to interview 'man on street', and believe people are <br />fascinated by transportation. <br /> <br />8. THE NOTEBOOK. Ann Davis presenting. Disclosure: Jim disclosed Anne <br />works at KETC, and will be relying on a KETC 'mentor' , Jill Petzall, for tech <br />support. Stories about Bosnian youths in St. Louis, interviews. Shelly asked <br />how she picked topic, she said it was personal; she met some Bosnians then just <br />got involved. Jill is acting as executive producer, will do some writing, and guide <br />the shape of the script. <br /> <br />9. ON THE RECORD. Mike Steinberg presenting. Project on record collectors in <br />St. Louis. Shelly asked how large group is, he said they meet every two <br />months, with 1000 in attendance. Also include hip-hop, DJ community. Jim <br />asked if 'fair use' is really functional for this, Mike said he is following guidelines. <br />Narrative follows a single collector, shows history of collecting <br /> <br />10. KNOCK KNOCK AMERICA . Rebecca Rivas. She did not keep <br />appointment. UPDATE: Rebecca contacted Cameron the day after. She had <br /> <br />