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4/27/2011 11:03:12 AM
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 2 <br />February 24, 1988 <br /> <br />proposal to construct a neighborhood retail/convenience center on the former <br />Midwest Laundry site bordered by Vernon Avenue, Skinker Boulevard and Cabanne <br />Avenue. A portion of the property was within the City of St. Louis; however, <br />University City needed to consider the applications for both a Conditional Use <br />Permit and the Site Plan Review since a portion of the center was within the <br />boundaries of University City. Daryll Yahl, project architect, reviewed with <br />Commission members the site plan and artist's rendering for the proposed retail <br />center. He noted that the site plan differed in several details from that <br />distributed to Commission members because a title search of the property revealed <br />that the current owner did not control a northwestern section of the site along <br />Cabanne Avenue. Mr. Yahl explained that the muffler shop would be located on the <br />southern portion of the site. Access to the center would be from Cabanne Avenue <br />and Vernon Avenue so that traffic would not have to enter from and exit onto <br />congested Skinker Boulevard. He indicated that the center would be primarily <br />masonry construction with a glass front on the retail portion and a metal canopy. <br />A small manager's office would be located on the second floor. A driveway at the <br />rear of the building would service the businesses as would an area for truck <br />loading and refuse containers. The developer would provide a green area west of <br />the service drive to act as a buffer for the neighboring park property. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley asked Al Goldman, Director of Planning, to present the issues <br />cited in the Planning Department's report on the application. Mr. Goldman stated <br />that the issue for Plan Commission consideration was the appropriateness of the <br />motor vehicle repair facility at the proposed location. A separate Site Plan <br />Review would be required by the City Council for development of the entire site <br />as a retail center. As a point of information, Mr. Goldman noted that the <br />northernmost portion of the center would be a convenience store and self-service <br />gasoline facility. He explained that because the gas pumps were to be placed <br />within the City of St. Louis, the automobile filling station use was not an issue <br />here; however, he had no particular objection to the convenience store/self- <br />service gasoline concept at this location because the site was accessible to the <br />University City neighborhoods to its west without conflicting vehicular and <br />pedestrian traffic along Skinker Boulevard. Mr. Goldman recommended approval of <br />the application subject to conditions regarding a limitation on parking and <br />storage of wrecked or dilapidated vehicles and general site maintenance <br />considerations. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley asked the applicant and his associates to respond to questions <br />from Plan Commission members. Mr. Kendall asked if there was a visible division <br />between the playground property to the west and the proposed retail site. Mr. <br />Yahl responded that the playground abuts the proposed retail site on the west, <br />and he was not aware of any existing wall or fence between the two properties. <br />Mr. Marsh asked about the type of services that would be provided by the auto <br />repair facility. Mr. Yahl responded that the facility was a muffler shop and <br />"quick-change" oil service; the developer did not anticipate major motor vehicle <br />repair services to be available on the site. Mr. Marsh asked what was the <br />applicant's time frame to start construction. Mr. Yahl responded that as soon as <br />City Council could approve the Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan, construction <br />documents would be submitted to the City building department for its approval. <br />
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