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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 3 <br />February 24, 1988 <br /> <br />Mr. Rice asked if there were existing sidewalks along each of the three streets <br />bordering the site. Mr. Yahl responded that there were sidewalks currently along <br />Vernon Avenue and Skinker Boulevard, but that no sidewalk currently existed along <br />Cabanne Avenue. Mr. Rice pointed out that in contrast to the site plan submitted <br />to Plan Commission members, sidewalks abutted the curbs along Vernon and Skinker; <br />he assumed that the architect proposed landscaping behind the sidewalks and not <br />between the sidewalks and the street. Mr. Yahl indicated that Mr. Rice was <br />correct. Ms. Kreishman asked if it was appropriate for Commission members to <br />consider detailed site design issues even though they were, at this hearing, only <br />considering the appropriateness of a motor vehicle repair use on the site. Mr. <br />McCauley and Mr. Goldman stated that if Plan Commission members had specific site <br />recommendations, they should suggest them to the City Council in their <br />recommendation on the Conditional Use. Mr. Safe asked about the status of the <br />remaining L-shaped parcel to the west of the retail site abutting the park. Mr. <br />Cody stated that the applicant would either sod or seed that area for grass; <br />there was also an existing chain link fence between the properties. Mr. Safe <br />stated that the lack of an appropriate buffer between the commercial site and the <br />City park was an issue of concern; he also suggested that a sidewalk be <br />constructed on the Cabanne Avenue side of the property in order to facilitate <br />pedestrian access and eliminate conflict with vehicular traffic. Chairman <br />McCauley asked which gasoline company would be operating on the site. Mr. Cody <br />explained that the applicant had contracted with the Quick-Heat Service <br />Corporation which has access to many different oil company operators such as Fina <br />and Sunoco. <br /> <br />After further discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Kreishman, seconded by Mr. <br />Washington and passed by a vote of 7-0 that the Plan Commission recommend <br />approval of the application for a Conditional Use Permit subject to the following <br />conditions: <br /> <br />1. The developer of the property shall install a pedestrian sidewalk along <br />Cabanne Avenue. <br />2. A fence or screening barrier shall be erected between the playground property <br />and the commercial site. <br />3. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for <br />his review and approval and landscaping shall be installed and maintained in <br />accordance with the approved plan. <br />4. No vehicles shall be parked or stored on the site overnight which are <br />unlicensed, wrecked or in a state of major disrepair. <br />5. The owner/operator shall regularly police the site to remove litter and <br />debris. <br />6. The Site Plan for the entire development shall conform in all respects with <br />the requirements of the Zoning Code. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley indicated to the applicant that the Plan Commission <br />recommendation would be forwarded to the City Council for its consideration at <br />the March 7, 1988, meeting. <br />
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