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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 2 <br />April 27, 1988 <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley reviewed the criteria dictated by the Zoning Code which must be <br />satisfied in order for the Plan Commission to recommend approval of the <br />application. He further explained that the Plan Commission's findings and <br />recommendation on the application would be forwarded to the City Council for <br />their review. Chairman McCauley called on the applicant to present information <br />on the application. <br /> <br />Mr. Robert Salter representing MUNICORP and the University Forest Nursing Care <br />Center explained that his organization had been endeavoring over the past three <br />years to build a nursing home on the property of the former University Forest <br />School at 1301 Partridge Avenue.. He stated that MUNICORP had previously obtained <br />zoning approval for the existing building to be converted into a skilled nursing <br />center. He also explained that his organization had received its Certificate of <br />Need and not-for-profit status from the State of Missouri in order to proceed <br />with the project. At this point, however, MUNICORP had devised a plan for new <br />construction in order to more effectively serve its potential patients. A new <br />building would allow private and semi-private rooms for which there is a greater <br />market than the three- and four-patient rooms which would be necessary if the <br />school building were converted. Mr. Salter referred to a site plan which had <br />been submitted to Commission members before the meeting and also added that he <br />would hope to maintain the aUditorium/gymnasium of the former school building for <br />a multipurpose community building and senior citizen day care center. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley asked Al Goldman, Director of Planning, to present the issues <br />cited in the Planning Department's report on the application. Mr. Goldman stated <br />that a new nursing home facility required a Conditional Use Permit in the <br />"PAM-Public Activity Zoning District in which this property was located. He <br />stated that the "PAM district regulations required a 15 foot-wide transitional <br />yard which had not been depicted along the north side of the subject property. <br />He explained, however, that the kitchen wing on the north side and the mechanical <br />wing on the south side of the building would both need adequate access for <br />vehicles and delivery service; an adequate transitional yard provided on the <br />north side might not leave room for the alternate service drive shown on the site <br />plan. Mr. Goldman explained that the parking requirements for the proposed use <br />had been fulfilled, but a bit more visitor parking in front of the bUilding might <br />be useful. He stated that no provision for refuse storage was shown on the plan <br />nor was a detailed landscaping plan given. He recommended that Meyer and Watts <br />Avenues be closed from the site to prevent employee parking on these streets, but <br />the Fire Department should be able to obtain emergency access to the site from <br />these streets. Mr. Goldman stated that the site was appropriate for the proposed <br />use, and the City should not anticipate an increase in the intensity of use on <br />the balance of the school site. <br /> <br />Mr. Salter stated that he and his architect had reviewed the Planning <br />Department's recommendations on the application and believed that the chain link <br />fencing along the north and south property lines could be repaired and shrubbery <br />could be added to screen the nursing home from the residential neighborhoods. <br />Two more parking spaces had been added to the visitor parking area. Mr. Salter <br />presented an alternate plan shOWing where the existing school auditorium would be <br />on the site in relationship to the proposed building. <br />