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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 3 <br />April 27, 1988 <br /> <br />Mr. Safe arrived at 7:55 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Marsh asked about Mr. Salter's background in nursing home operations, the <br />material with which the nursing home would be constructed and the number of <br />employees anticipated for the nursing home. Mr. Salter responded that this was <br />his first nursing home project and that he anticipated construction taking less <br />than a year to complete. He stated that the bUilding would be constructed of red <br />brick and that he planned to employ 75 people over three shifts with <br />approximately 25 employees on the premises at anyone time. Mr. Safe asked Mr. <br />Goldman about the appropriateness of the existing gymnasium remaining on the site <br />and what intensity of use adult day care services would entail. Mr. Goldman <br />stated that the gymnasium would be physically separated from the new bUilding, <br />but that he had not seen a layout of the site with the gymnasium included until <br />the meeting this evening. Mr. Goldman stated that parking for the adult day care <br />use would be necessary. Mr. Kendall asked about the potential closing of Watts <br />and Meyer Avenues from the site. Mr. Goldman stated that a chain link gate could <br />be designed to close off the site from the streets and still permit Fire <br />Department emergency access to driveways on the site. Ms. Kreishman asked about <br />the grades on the site, and Mr. Salter responded that there was only one major <br />grade change on the site which created a "lower level" on the property near <br />Backer Avenue. No grade changes were anticipated to accommodate construction. <br />Chairman McCauley asked if the site would be accessed by Backer and George <br />Avenues or could be easily accessed by children in the neighborhood. Mr. Salter <br />stated that the site could be closed off from those streets and further explained <br />that he did not want a lot of traffic or activity on the site. <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley asked if any members of the public had any questions or <br />concerns about the application. Mr. Arthur Smith of 1481 Partridge Avenue <br />explained that he was the Chairman of the Partridge Heights Neighborhood <br />Association and that the association, as a group, had no objections to <br />construction of the nurSing home but did have two concerns. He stated that the <br />neighborhood was concerned about the potential increase in traffic on Partridge <br />Avenue in order to access the site. He felt that the closure of the site from <br />Meyer and Watts Avenues would further limit access to the homes and create <br />speeding problems along Partridge Avenue. He explained further that the <br />neighborhood association was worried about the use of the lower level of the <br />property of the former school site. He felt that the children in the <br />neighborhood should benefit from using the site as a playground or ball field. <br />Mr. Keith Burger of 1233 Meyer Avenue stated that Watts and Meyer Avenues should <br />be blocked off from the site, especially during construction. He felt that a <br />gate which would allow only emergency access to the site by the Fire Department <br />would be an adequate solution. Mr. Al Stone of 1281 George Avenue stated that he <br />had been follOWing this project from its inception in 1985 and had no particular <br />objections to the project as long as all building standards and codes were met. <br />Mr. Leo Scott of 1245 Backer Avenue stated that the site should remain entirely <br />under the control and for the use of the nursing home and that unsupervised <br />children should not be playing on the site. He felt that a fence or gate to <br />close off Backer Avenue from the site would be a good solution. Mrs. Lonzetta <br />Taylor of 7155 Willow Tree Lane expressed her concern about potential employee <br />parking on Willow Tree and stated that this should not be allowed. Mr. Safe <br />
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