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4/27/2011 11:03:28 AM
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<br />Plan Commission M~utes <br />March 27, 1991 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />stated that Planning staff agreed with Mr. Roufa's characterization <br />of the proposed resubdivision. The newly proposed Lots 7A - 15A <br />and the plan depicting the homes which will be built on these Lots <br />comply with the requirements of Zoning Code Section 34-31.6 <br />regarding Townhouse development. Planning staff did request that <br />the developer change the location of the building line on Lot 12A <br />from that approved on the original Lot 12, since the original <br />building line curved to match the curve of the Swarthmore Court <br />right-of-way. The curved building line would permit construction <br />30' in front of the line of buildings proposed for Lots 10-12. The <br />building line on Lot 12A has now been depicted to maintain a <br />standard setback for all buildings within the group. The easements <br />remain from the 1988 Plat, but have been dimensioned from property <br />lines or have been given specific reference where possible in order <br />to help define their location, since some of them no longer <br />correspond to property lines. <br /> <br />Planning Department staff has one major concern relating to the <br />original requirement that the detention basin be constructed in the <br />common ground to control storm water run-off. The construction of <br />this basin has not been completed and serious erosion of the common <br />ground has been occurring for almost a year. Planning staff <br />recommends approval of the proposed resubdivision on the express <br />condition that the Chairperson and Executive Secretary as well as <br />the City Clerk withhold their signatures from the Plat until <br />construction of the detention basin is completed to the <br />satisfaction of city inspectors. <br /> <br />Mr. Roufa responded to Ms. Elwood's recommendation by stating that <br />the drainage inlet has been installed, but that it was impossible <br />to grade the area south of the basin area because Toro could not <br />determine the final grades in this area. He complained that <br />children from the Junior High School south of the subdivision "cut <br />through" this area every day and litter the area. He requested <br />that the Plan Commission approve the requested resubdivision and <br />not require completion of the detention basin until just prior to <br />construction of the last group of townhomes. <br /> <br />Chairperson Kreishman asked if Commission members had any questions <br />for the developer. Mr. Marsh queried whether, under Mr. Roufa's <br />proposal, the basin would ever be completed if the last group of <br />townhomes were never built. Chairperson Kreishman stated that the <br />basin should have been completed by this time, since the <br />development has been under construction for two years. Mr. Safe <br />stated that non-completion of the basin puts the City at risk and <br />stated his belief that the proper grades should be easily <br />determined; grades would require, at most, marginal change after <br />building construction was completed. Mr. Roufa and his partner, <br />Jordan Tobin, stated that Toro had changed its grading plan three <br />times at the request of the City and could not estimate the exact <br />swale and shape of the basin. Al Goldman, Director of Planning, <br />asked what measures Toro had taken to prevent erosion of the common <br />ground; had any bales been placed or had the ground been seeded? <br />
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