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September 24, 1997 Plan Commission Minutes Page 2 <br />submitted an application for a further amendment to Conditional Use No. 265 to expand the nursing <br />home by adding an 18,800 square foot building to the west of the existing building. The new building <br />will contain a 10 bed sub-acute care facility, an adult day-care center, a therapy center for residents <br />and outpatients, and doctors offices. The new wing will be connected to main building by an enclosed <br />passageway. The proposal includes a 64 stall parking lot, replacing the existing 20 car employee <br />parking and adding 42 new spaces. The zoning code requires 44 parking stalls for the new facility. <br />It is his observation that the existing employees parking lot is underused because employees park <br />along the driveways. The proposed layout will worsen the situation by moving the employee parking <br />area even farther away from their work areas. Consideration should be given to retaining as much of <br />the existing employee parking lot as possible, moving the new building westward if necessary. The <br />south driveway will provide the main vehicular approach to the new building. It is imperative that <br />no parking be permitted on this driveway. The 15 foot transitional yards on the north and south have <br />been narrowed to 10 feet. A minimum of 15 feet should be provided for the north transitional yard. <br />The south transitional yard should be increased to 25 feet because of the proximity to the houses on <br />Meyer and Backer. The 15 foot dimension is required under the current code and the proposed new <br />zoning code calls for 25 foot transitional yards. The applicable conditions of the current Conditional <br />Use Permit should remain in effect. He recommends that the site plan be revised to retain most of <br />the existing employee parking lot and to provide adequate transitional yards. When this is done, he <br />believes that the proposed conditional use will meet the standards for approval set out in Zoning <br />Code Section 34-65 provided the conditional use is limited by the following conditions: 1) <br />Landscaped transitional yards shall be maintained along the north and south property lines from <br />Partridge to the west line of Backer Street. Chain link fencing shall be maintained around the north, <br />west and south property lines. 2) At least 20 parking spaces shall be maintained in the parking areas <br />east of the building. 3) Existing driveways, loading areas and refuse enclosures shall be maintained, <br />and parking shall be strictly prohibited on the driveways. 4) Meyer and Watts Avenues shall remain <br />closed-off from the site by chain link gates arranged to permit Fire Department emergency access <br />to paved driveways on the site. 5) Fire hydrants shall be installed where directed by the Fire Marshal. <br />6) The project shall be operated and maintained in accordance with a detailed maintenance plan and <br />schedule submitted to and approved by the City Manager prior to the issuance of the occupancy <br />permit for the new wing. 7) A revised landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning <br />for his review and approval. Landscaping shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the <br />approved plan. The installation shall be completed prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit for <br />the new wing. 8) Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded wherever necessary to avoid casting direct <br />light upon any property located in a residential district. Exterior lighting shall be installed and <br />maintained in accordance with a detailed lighting plan submitted to and approved by the Planning <br />Director. 9) Late hour and overnight parking shall comply with a traffic and parking plan submitted <br />to and approved by the City Manager prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit for the new wing. <br />10) There shall be no expansion of facilities, building of additions or new buildings, and no additional <br />drives or parking other than as shown on plans approved for this Conditional Use Permit, without the <br />approval of the City Council following a recommendation from the Plan Commission after a <br />Conditional Use public hearing. 11) Backer and George Avenues shall remain closed off from the <br />site. <br />m-9-24.plc <br /> <br />
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