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June 28, 2000 Plan Commission Minutes Page 2 of 7 <br />Mr. Hill gave the staff recommendation that the application be approved per the June 21, 2000 <br />memo. <br />Pamela Goitte, 7421 Teasdale asked when the landscaping would be installed. Mr. Zimbalist <br />replied that the owners would soon be installing the landscaping after construction was finalized. <br />Mr. Credit moved that the Plan Commission approve the final plat for the resubdivision / <br />condominiums at 7393, 7395, 7397 and 7399 Pershing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Irons <br />and passed by a vote of 4 to 0, with all members voting “aye.” <br />Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit Amendment #228(A), Gas Station / Convenience <br />Store, 7498 Delmar <br />Chairperson Glassman announced that a public hearing was scheduled to hear an application <br />from Mubeen Investments Group, Inc., 19 Marsally Dr., St. Louis, MO 63131 represented by <br />Mubeen Mahmood. The applicant requests an amendment of the conditional use permit in order <br />to construct a new convenience store building and to reconfigure the layout of the gasoline <br />station at 7498 Olive. The former Shell Station will now be a Mobil Station. <br />The Chairperson noted the Commission's procedures and criteria for reviewing conditional use <br />permits and amendments to them. The Chairperson specifically stated that the Plan Commission <br />must consider whether the use: a) Complies with all applicable provisions of the University City <br />Zoning Code; b) At the specific location will contribute to and promote the community welfare <br />or convenience; c) Will not cause substantial injury to the value of neighboring property; d) Is <br />consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood development plan (if applicable), and any <br />other official planning and development policies of the City; and e) Will provide off-street <br />parking and loading areas in accordance with the standards contained in Article 7 of the <br />University City Zoning Code. <br />Bob Russel, Consultant for Wallis Oil (Mobil), 10454 Highway 19, Cuba, MO 65453, appeared <br />for the applicant. Mr. Russel gave an overview of the proposal and stated that the applicant <br />accepts the 10 conditions proposed in the Staff Recommendation. He also pointed out that the <br />applicants have received approval of the project from the property owners to the south of the site <br />at 7483 Teasdale and 7489 Teasdale, as well as the owners of property immediately to the south <br />and west across Hanley at 7500 Teasdale and 7515 Teasdale. <br />Mr. Hill gave the staff recommendation that the application be approved per his June 21, 2000 <br />memo. <br />Chairperson Glassman opened the public hearing and asked for testimony from the public. <br />K:\WPOFFICE\WPDATA\m-6-28-2000.plc.wpd <br /> <br />