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June 28, 2000 Plan Commission Minutes Page 4 of 7 <br />The applicants had a lighting technician from Mobil, Hoppy Van Marter state that the lighting of <br />the canopy would be minimal and would point directly toward the ground. There will be 12 <br />lights in the canopy. Salim Rangwala of Rangwala Architects, 201 S. Central, Suite 203, St. <br />Louis, MO 63105 explained the traffic flow patterns and the arrangement of the parking lot. Jack <br />Riner, representative from Wallis Oil (Mobil), 10454 Highway 19, Cuba, MO 65453 stated that <br />Mobil would be very unlikely to change the image of the canopy and would not operate the store <br />without a canopy. Mubeen Mahmood stated that the sign would not be over 10 feet in height. <br />Mr. Credit stated that main issues are the hours of operation, the canopy design and the lighting. <br />Ms. Glassman stated that the enforcement of the permit by the City involves both the writing of <br />tickets and the revocation of the permit to operate. Mr. Munkel stated that the applicant has been <br />a good neighbor for nine years and that he has never observed trash from the use. Ms. Arbogast <br />inquired what happened to Shell. Mubeen Mahmood replied that they sold the site and that he no <br />longer wanted to be associated with them and has chosen Mobil. Ms. Arbogast asked whether <br />the store would sell soda and coffee to go. Mubeen Mahmood replied that they will. Mr. Credit <br />asked if there will be a car wash. Mubeen Mahmood replied that there will not be a car wash. <br />Mr. Irons asked if the hours of operation would be changed by the applicant. Mubeen Mahmood <br />replied that they would be willing to work something out. Mr. Credit asked Mr. Fucetola why he <br />was concerned for his daughter’s safety. Mr. Fucetola replied that the increase in traffic in the <br />area concerned him and that getting his child to sleep with exterior noise from the use might be a <br />problem. <br />Ms. Glassman stated that she wants the hearing on this matter to be continued to the next or <br />subsequent meeting of the Plan Commission in order to grant time for the applicants to submit a <br />revised application addressing the issues of hours of operation and design of the canopy. The <br />applicants agreed to do so. All members of the Commission agreed and the matter was <br />continued to the next or subsequent meeting date. <br />Ms. Glassman requested that notice of the continued hearing be sent out to the same people who <br />received original notice and to those who spoke at tonight’s meeting. <br />Public Hearing: Conditional Use Permit Amendment #349(A), Non-resident use of <br />amenities at Apartment Complex, 8300 Delmar <br />Chairperson Glassman Irons announced that a public hearing was scheduled to hear an <br />application from <br />Mansion On the Plaza, L.P. represented by Jakob Medve of the Medve Gropu, <br />The applicant requests a Conditional Use Permit <br />8251 Maryland, St. Louis, Mo 63105. <br />Amendment in order to allow non-residents limited use of the amenities offered by the apartment <br />complex. <br />Mr. Medve gave an overview of the proposal. He asked that the application be approved. <br />K:\WPOFFICE\WPDATA\m-6-28-2000.plc.wpd <br /> <br />
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