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September 27, 2006 Plan Commission Minutes Page 3 of 9 <br />IL 60614. He gave an overview of the proposal and asked that it be approved. Mr. Hill gave the <br />staff recommendation that the application be approved per the Staff Report. The Chairperson <br />asked for comments from the members of the public. No members of the public wished to speak. <br />Mr. Kreishman moved that the Plan Commission recommend approval of the map amendment. <br />The motion was seconded by Mr. Marentette and passed by a vote of 6 to 0 with all members <br />voting “aye.” <br />Mr. Kreishman moved that the Plan Commission recommend approval of the following Resolution <br />adopting the Preliminary Development Plan for the Project: <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, Section of the University City Zoning Code requires that the <br />preliminary development plan be approved by the city council by adoption of a resolution <br />approving said preliminary development plan, with conditions as may be specified and authorizing <br />the preparation of the final development plan. Section 34.40.05 of the Zoning Code requires that <br />the permitted land uses and developments shall be established in the conditions of the ordinance <br />adopted by the city council governing the particular planned development-mixed use district. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />UNIVERSITY CITY, MO AS FOLLOWS: <br />The City Council hereby authorizes the preparation of the final development plan <br />for the proposal for this map amendment and resolution, to be known as “Clayton <br />Condominiums.” The specific uses of “Dwellings, elevator apartment” and “Retail <br />and Commercial uses” are designated as permitted uses. The proposed structure <br />shall be developed with the following conditions: <br />1. The building and property shall be developed, constructed and maintained in compliance <br />with the plans submitted with the approved application. The height and mass shall be <br />restricted to that shown on the application plans. <br />2. The minimum site size is reduced per Section 34-40.6 to 0.53 acres. <br />3. The permitted density shall be 52.8 dwelling units per acre with a floor area ratio of 1.92. <br />4. Transit oriented parking standards shall be approved for this site specifically at 1.5 parking <br />spaces per dwelling unit and 1 space per 300 square feet of retail and commercial space. <br />5. A detailed landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for approval, in <br />conjunction with a review by the City Forester. Landscaping shall be installed and <br />maintained in accordance with the approved plan. Said landscaping plan shall be finalized <br />prior to the first residential or commercial occupancy permit being approved for the <br />addition. It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to obtain those approvals in written <br />form in a timely manner prior to issuance of the building permit. <br />Q:\WPOFFICE\WPDATA\ <br /> <br />