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Session 1235, Minutes <br />January 7, 1980 <br />Page 3 <br />4. Section 66. Change the date of the Mayoral race so that it does not coincide <br />with the elections of other members of the City Council. Accordingly, the next <br />term of the Mayor's office would be three years and the succeeding term would <br />return to four years. <br />5. Chante the date of the fiscal year to begin October 1 and end September 30. The <br />budget should be submitted to the City Council no later than 60 days prior to <br />the beginning of the fiscal year. This would change Section 33. It was also <br />suggested that the language of the change be worded so that there would be no <br />need for three month comparative budgets for the succeeding three years, and <br />that such fiscal year shall constitute the budget year. <br />6. Delete Sections 69 and 70 since these sections are now governed by state law. <br />7. Delete Section 26 since the City Court now falls under the jurisdiction of the <br />Circuit Court of St. Louis County. <br />S. Section 116, which relates to the forgiveness of taxes as applied to unimproved <br />lots. The Committee approved the following language: <br />"No general or special tax assessment or interest or penalty <br />thereon shall be remitted or abated, or the rights to enforce <br />payment thereof released except in correction of errors or mis- <br />takes occurring after the levy of the tax, or if it appears to <br />the City Council that any unimproved tract of land is not worth, <br />as determined by an independent real estate appraiser, the <br />amount of taxes, interest and penalties due thereon, the City <br />Council may compromise taxes, interest and penalties with the <br />owner of the tract." <br />9. Section 24. Reduce the length of term for the Municipal Judge from four years <br />to two years. <br />Section 10, relating to the filling of vacancies in the Council, was also discussed, <br />but no recommendations were made, since there was not a majority vote on any action <br />for or against change in this section. All votes taken were three to three. This <br />was brought about by the illness and subsequent death of Mr. Hugh White, a committee <br />member. One proposal recommended that the language of Section 10 remain the same <br />with the proviso that if a vacancy occurred within six months of a regular municipal <br />election, the seat would remain vacant until the next municipal election. Another <br />proposal was that any vacancy on the Council be filled by a special election no soon- <br />er than 90 days and no later than 150 days after the seat has been vacated. <br />Several additional observations were noted by the Committee as follows: <br />1. The Committee favored the raising from $2500 to $5000 the expenditure for <br />which the City Council's approval is needed by the City administration. <br />- 2. The Committee noted a typographical error in Article X. Initiative, Ref- <br />erendum and Recall, Section 74 of the Charter: <br />"Section 74 as enacted by the City of University City in 1947 in- <br />cluded the words...'excepting ordinances for the issuance of bonds <br />and the levy of"' <br />