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January 7, 1980
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City Council Minutes
January 7, 1980
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Session 1235, Minutes <br />January 7, 1980 <br />Page 4 <br />This clerical error occurred in the 1965 printing of the Charter. The printing firm <br />should be directed to correct this error at their next normal revision of the ordi- <br />nances. <br />3. There was also a clerical error in Section 66. At the next printing, the word <br />"Mayor" should be substituted for Councilman -at -Large. <br />Mr. Kaufman said, in summary, that the changes proposed by the Charter Review Com- <br />mittee retain the basic provisions of the present Charter because they are sound and <br />have helped University City citizens enjoy one of the most efficient and effective <br />city governments in the United States. Changes were suggested only where it was <br />felt they would improve city government operation. <br />Mayor Mooney said the Council and the City are in the debt of :4r. Kaufman and the <br />other members of the Charter Review Committee --Fir. Charles B. Blackmar, Mrs. Nancy <br />Bowser, 11r. G. Don Culberson, Mr. Joseph Myers, Mr. Charles [,Werner and Mr. Hugh J. <br />White, and that they had done a magnificient job. <br />Councilman Metcalfe asked why it had been recommended that the fiscal year be changed; <br />and Mr. Kaufman said it would then conform with federal and state fiscal years, in <br />addition to the reasons given in the final report. <br />Mr. Kaufman answered questions from Councilmen Lieberman, Sabol and Adams concerning <br />the residency requirement, how other municipalities and St. Louis County handle the <br />appointive or elective process in the case of a Council vacancy, and the use of the <br />terms Councilman and Councilwoman rather than Councilmember. <br />Mr. James L. Carl, 7110 Washington, asked to address the Council. Por. Carl felt the <br />matter of filling a Council vacancy should be put before the voters so they may de- <br />cide how it should be done. Mr. Carl asked to read into the record a recommendation <br />of the St. Louis County Charter Commission, as follows: "It is proposed that a va- <br />cancy in the County Council be filled by the voters at the next general election or <br />at a special election called for this purpose. Nominations would be made by Commit- <br />tee members of each of the two parties. The candidate elected by the voters would <br />hold office for the remaining portion of the unexpired term." The Commission went <br />on to state it felt a person so elected would be more responsive to the voters than <br />someone who was appointed. Mayor Mooney said Mr. Carl's remarks would be taken into <br />consideration. <br />It was noted that if the Charter changes are to be on the April 1 ballot, legisla- <br />tion must be introduced at the January 21 meeting and adopted at the February 4 meet- <br />ing. Council decided to discuss the Committee report in more detail later in the <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Ellman brought up a point not considered by the Charter Committee. It has been <br />requested by the City's auditing firm (Ernst and Whinney) that the time limit of 45 <br />days be extended to 60 days in order for the audit of the City's finances to be ac- <br />complished, since the City's financial dealings have become progressively more com- <br />plicated, taking more time each year. This necessitates a Charter change which will <br />have to be incorporated into the proposed legislation if Council feels this change <br />should be made. A disadvantage of making this change would be that the complete <br />picture of the City's financial condition would not be available for 60 instead of <br />45 days after the end of the fiscal year. <br />
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