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January 7, 1980
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City Council Minutes
January 7, 1980
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Session 1235, Minutes <br />January 7, 1980 <br />REMOVAL OF ITE I FROM CONSENT CALEITDAR <br />Page 5 <br />Councilman Glickert asked that Item #1 (Consideration of Bids for Vacuum Street <br />Sweeper) on the Consent Calendar be removed. It was so ordered. <br />CONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL USE FEPWIT FOR RESTAURANT AT 8208 OLIVE BOULEVARD <br />The City Manager said that Mr. Yn Tac Senh, d/b/a Chong, Wah VI, applied for a condi- <br />tional use permit to operate a sit-down and carry -out restaurant featuring Cantonese <br />food. The application was considered by the Plan Commission and unanimously approved <br />with the following conditions: <br />1. Landscape plan to be approved by the Zoning Administrator. <br />2. All signs must be ground mounted. <br />3. Dumpster shall be screened. <br />4. Refuse containers provided for the carry -out trade. <br />5. Parking lot must be repaired. <br />Mr. Al Kaufman, 14 Spoede Hills, restaurant designer for Mr. Senh, was present to <br />answer questions, as was Mr. Senh. Mr. Senh lives at 10600 Old Halls Ferry. Sever- <br />al Councilmen questioned Mr. Al Goldman, Director of Planning, about various aspects <br />of the application. <br />Councilman Lieberman asked if a marketing survey had been done, since there already <br />are a number of Chinese restaurants in the area. Mr. Kaufman said a formal survey <br />had not been done, but after checking the other Chinese establishments, it was found <br />that those restaurants served higher priced food, and none of them served Cantonese <br />food, as Chong Wah will. Mr. Senh has another successful operation at 7303 Olive, <br />which Councilman Lieberman said was popular in the neighborhood. Mr. Senh owns the <br />property at 8208 Olive. Mr. Kaufman said all of the conditions stated above will be <br />met by Mr. Senh. <br />Councilman Sabol moved approval of the conditional use permit, i-yith the conditions <br />stated. Councilman Adams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATIOU OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DELICATESSEN AT 6265 DELMAR. <br />The City Manager said the Soy Deli applied for a conditional use permit to operate a <br />delicatessen with a completely vegetarian cuisine at 6265 Delmar. The Plan Commis- <br />sion approved the application by a vote of 6 to 1. <br />Mr. Bob Davis, 6144 Bartmer, president of Light Foods Corp. and operator of the pro- <br />posed Soy Deli, was present to answer questions. In answer to questions from Coun- <br />cilman Lieberman, PIr. Davis said because of the size of the facility (10' x 66') <br />the operation would be primarily carry -out, though there may be a standup food bar. <br />The opening date will be about April 1, but Mr. Davis does not yet know ,That the <br />hours will be. <br />Councilman Sabol moved approval. <br />Councilman Glickert asked about shelves shown in the drawing, and Mr. Davis said <br />they are boot: shelves. He has an extensive collection of books on solar energy and <br />planning which he hopes to share with the public. <br />
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