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Championship. Mayor Welsch noted that a proclamation is planned for the next <br />meeting and said she would invite the team to attend. <br /> <br />M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />BILLS <br /> <br />N. NEW BUSINESS <br />BILLS <br />Introduced by Ms. Carr <br />1. BILL 9157 <br /> - An ordinance regulating the operation of the Ruth Park Golf Course <br /> <br />Learning Center Driving Range. <br /> <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Tom Sullivan, 751 Syracuse <br />Mr. Sullivan noted he was glad this was introduced as an ordinance and the Council <br />should look at the matter of ordinance versus resolution. He noted that there are <br />several items that need to be cleaned up in the City’s Charter. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft move to amend the Bill 9157 to state the lights would not be turned off for <br />the months of December, January and February and was seconded by Mr. Glickert. <br />Mr. Kraft noted that in looking at the numbers the driving range lost money in <br />November, December, January and February and asked why have the lights on when <br />the City is not making any money. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr said if the rationale was what is losing money, then the pool, Centennial <br />Commons and other facilities would be closed and is why she suggested looking at <br />the temperature as a guideline for turning the lights off. Mr. Crow agreed this would <br />be the more prudent approach as the bill was written. Mr. Glickert had concern over <br />planning the hours of personnel not knowing when it would be closed. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe asked for a study showing driving range usage during the months <br />specified by the proposed amendment, along with the temperature of the day, in <br />order to make a good decision. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft withdrew his motion to amend. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked Mr. Kraft if he could provide members of Council with the <br />numbers he has been discussing along with the average daily temperature which he <br />said he would do if he could get the weather information on line. <br /> <br />O. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (continued if needed) <br /> <br /> <br />P. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Mr. Crow congratulated all U City graduates. He also congratulated the girls’ track team <br />for what he thought was their first State Championship. Mr. Crow also congratulated <br />Councilmember Price’s son for winning in the triple jump event at the Track State <br />Championship. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert noted that the only other State Championships U City has received was in <br />baseball and swimming and joined in congratulating the University City’s Track Team. He <br />spoke briefly on events of the weekend. First was the soft opening of the Tokyo Buffet <br />4 <br /> <br />