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Sessic~ 1654, Minutes Page 4 <br />November 6, 1995 <br /> <br />but the oo~t w-4s astronomical ar~ could not su~0ort what current offJoe rents <br />are in the Loc~. Early c~, the Louis Izxzk~ group was ask_~d__ if they wd~ _~hed_ <br />to ~ part owners of the property hut they declined. When the bid cm a <br />three-story building was rsoeived, Inuis In,kin was informed that rents wuuld <br />have to be at market, and they again decl' _/r~d~__. Mr. Rothschild originated the <br />idea of sellin~ air rights above the building, and Louis Iz~_~__m~_ could build <br />the second and third floors as (%xx~oe, paying only the difference in coet be- <br />tween the bid for a three story as c~ to the project now under consider- <br />ation. ~y refused to take part. Another alternative involved sellin~ or <br />developing land c~ Kin~sland for them--that was also refused. Mr. Edwards <br />said they have worked hard to develop the plan before Oouncil, and with this <br />k~/lding ho~ed to add some vitality to the w~st end of the Loop. He noted <br />the k~lild/n~ looks like a t~o-story frc~ D~_]mmr, but eve~ though a o~e-story, <br />it has high ceilings. Also, the proposed Jupiter sculpture c~ top of the <br />building w~uld add to the height. He said they were ready to proceed. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus ~=nfirmed that this site has been vacant for some years, and <br />although a numbmr of plans have been presented previously, none have worked <br />out. As the last piece of developable land in the Loop, she felt Council <br />needs to look very seriously at this plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Sdmocm~_r said there is a dilemma--the I~A and UC~A say the sits should <br />have a b,{ld{w whose height and mass is in accord with adjoining buildings-- <br />at least three stories. Also, earlier prcpoeals for smaller buildings were <br /> <br />out. Mr. S~ho~mer felt it would not be a first class use and preferred a <br /> <br />along the same lines as the Louis London and Tivoli buildings--five years at <br />full abatement with gradual increases to full taxes paid at 10 years. Re- <br />gardless of what the I~A wished for, he felt this is a good design that will <br />fit the mood of the Loop. He would have preferred a three-story, but he and <br />his partner could not finance it. <br /> <br />cial straits of the School District. He was assured that the Council was <br />only approvin~ the site plan, not tax abatement or anything else. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer no~ed there are residential units in the building w~st of the <br />site and he wanted to know if sound buffering was part of the site plan. Mr. <br />Smith returned and said the buildir~ to the ~ _b~m a courtyard frc~ the <br />second to the f~urth floor that faces the proposed building, but the top of <br />the new build/n~ will be below the courtyard level and it was believed no <br />sound buffering was ncuded. Mayor Majerus suggested this might be explored <br />further. Mrs. f~m~uman agreed, noting a site plan ~ust be approved for the <br />restaurant, and it could be ascertained then if noise buffering is required. <br /> <br />Mr. Ootton moved approval with all oonditicms, and Mrs. Schuman seconded the <br />motion. Mr. Scho~mr suggested that the property owners consult with the <br /> <br /> <br />