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<br /> <br />Mr. Glickert moved to approve and was seconded by Mr. Kraft. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked what amount was carried over from the last fiscal year. Mr. Jared <br />Agee noted the amount carried over from last fiscal year was $40,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Price asked if the City was faxing from software or actual fax machines. Mr. <br />Agee said this would move the City in the direction of software, eliminating the cost <br />of fax machines. Some old fax machines are still in use. <br /> <br />The voice vote for approval carried unanimously. <br /> <br />5. Request for additional funds for Professional Services for a consultant for the <br />Parkview Gardens Neighborhood Sustainable Development Plan at a cost not to <br />exceed $40,460. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe moved for approval and was seconded by Mr. Kraft. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked how much has been paid to H-3 Studio for the Parkview Gardens <br />plan. Ms. Riganti stated that at the moment H-3 has been paid $150,000 but their <br />contract is in excess of $200,000. Mr. Crow questioned why H-3 would be billing <br />one-third of what they have been paid so far, just to change the plans concerning <br />Parking Lot #4. Ms. Riganti noted that this was additional cost to revise the plan <br />that was outside the original scope of work of their contract. She noted the Plan <br />Commission approved it unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe spoke as the Council liaison to the Plan Commission, stating that the <br />commission understood and agreed for the additional cost but expressed concerns <br />as to why the change was done and how it came about. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow said the Plan Commission did not discuss as to where this money would <br />come from. He asked what were the other options explored. <br /> <br />Ms. Riganti stated that having staff doing the project could result in something <br />substandard and not anything the City would want to present to their funding <br />agency. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr felt that staff could do something even though it didn’t make them “rock <br />stars.” She reminded Council that Schowalter and Jabouri said in their annual <br />audit of the City, “the City refrain from approving expenditures in excess of the <br />budget and amend the budget when unforeseen revenues are received or <br />unforeseen expenditures are incurred.” Ms. Carr suggested going back into the <br />City’s present budget to see if they could find the $40,000 and noted she was <br />reluctant to use reserve money for it. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe asked Mr. Walker if there was a possibility of finding it in the City’s <br />present budget. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />