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<br />Mr. Walker stated that all departments had done an excellent job in managing their <br />departments which has given the City a surplus in the last fiscal year and would be <br />difficult to ask each department to find more cuts. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated that he did not see any financial difference if the money was taken <br />from the 2013 budget or if it was taken from the reserves. The cost was the same <br />either way. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow stated that his question was not where the money came from but rather <br />was it the best option. He asked if this was the best the City could do. City <br />Manager Mr. Walker said yes, from a staff point of view this was the best <br />alternative. He and staff had previously discussed other options. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr stated that instead of taking it out of reserves which might be needed for <br />extra police, the City should consider trying to find it in the present budget. <br /> <br />Voice vote carried by a majority with one Nay vote from Ms. Carr. <br /> <br />L. COUNCIL REPORTS/BUSINESS <br />1. Boards and Commissions Appointments Needed <br />Mayor Welsch read the outstanding appointments needed by Councilmembers. <br />2. Council Liaison Reports on Boards and Commissions <br />Mr. Glickert sated the Historic Preservation Commission approved the Washington <br />University project at Enright and Delmar, noting that the University continues to <br />bring their experts, charts and models to all meetings, lending to very informative <br />meetings. <br />3. Boards, Commissions and Task Force Minutes <br />4. Other Discussions/Business <br /> <br /> Ms. Carr asked to make corrections to the Council Rules <br />#10 - remuneration rather than enumeration <br />#38-A – Councilmembers elected in 2010, 2014 and 2018 would be Ward 1A, <br />2B, 3A <br />Councilmembers elect in 2008, 2012 and 2016 would be Ward 1B, 2A and 3B <br />#5 – Remove the Infill Review Board on line stating the Plan Commission/Infill <br />Review Board and immediately below is listed the Infill Review Board <br />Rule 38-B <br />#4 – Remove “n” after 2 to read (1, 2, 3) <br /> <br />The Rule #38 will have a new Attachment A and there would no longer be an <br />Attachment B. <br /> <br />#38-E <br />Ms. Carr and Mr. Kraft proposed an additional rule , which states: <br />Any Board or Commission may, by majority vote, request the resignation of a <br />member who has 3 unexcused absences in a row or 3 unexcused absences in <br />a calendar year. Any Board or Commission member who has 3 unexcused <br />absences in a row or 3 unexcused absences in a calendar year is not eligible <br />for reappointment to a second term. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert stated that there is some confusion as to what is an excused <br />absence. He stated he agreed with what they were doing but needed some <br />5 <br /> <br /> <br />