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Sessio~ 1638, Minutes <br />April 10, 1995 <br /> <br />CITY MANACeR' S <br /> <br />Page2 <br /> <br />Request for Solicitation Permit by Coalition for tb~ Environment (#1). The <br />Missouri COalition for the Environment applied for a solicitation permit to <br />c~ a door-to-door canvass and fundraising July 3-21, 1995, during day- <br />light hours, using 7 to 12 workers whose names will be supplied in advance to <br />the Police De~. Approval was r~c~,.,~nded. <br /> <br />Recreation Fees (#2). The Park O..,.,,i.~ion reckink-ends the est_~blishment of <br />the following fees for use of the City's band wagon and lighted sports fields <br />for nc~-resident <br /> <br />$700perday <br /> <br />Lighted Sports Fields <br /> <br />Softball/Baseball $16/hr. <br />$12 lighting/S4 field use <br /> <br /> Soccer/Football $19/hr. <br />$15 lighting/S4 field use <br /> <br />~ne fee for the band wagon would only be waived for City functions. At its <br />last meeting, Oouncil approved an $8/two hour fee for non-resident daytime <br />field use and additional lighting for Heman Park sports fields, which will <br />result in additional operating costs. The rec~m,~ fees are cc~parable <br />with those char~ by other municipalities. The city Manager concurred with <br />the Park (k,,.,.i.~$ion reo~,~-~ndatio~s. <br /> <br />Bathroom Remodeling--Second Floor of Police Department (#3). The following <br />bids for remodeling two bathrooms on the second floor of the Police Depart- <br />mentwerereoeived: <br /> <br />JMAC Construction Oo. <br />A. Brooks Co., Ir~. <br />All Rite Construction <br /> <br />$ 8,315.00 <br /> 10,750.00 <br /> 23,850.00 <br /> <br />Acc~ of the low bid of $8,315 frc~ JMAC Construction was recutt.t,ended. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Mr. Wagner seconded the <br />motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Majerus noted the Coalition for the <br />Environment was very helpful in the City's campaign to pass Proposition R. <br /> <br />LIGUOR LIC~gSE TRANSFER - 7434 OLIVE/SC2~X/CK'S <br /> <br />The City Manager said Council may approve the transfer of the liquor license <br />currently held by the National store at 7434 Olive to the new owner, Schuck's <br />Markets, as the applicant meets all ordinance requirements for full package <br />licensing, including Sunday sales. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schumanmovedapproval. Mrs. ~nompsonseoondedthemotion, and all v~t- <br />edAye. <br /> <br /> <br />