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Sessic~ 1636, M/nutes <br />Febzuary 27, 1995 <br /> <br />Page4 <br /> <br />SIGN (~DINANCE ~DIFICATIONS <br /> <br />nants. since sign restrictions are part of the Zc~ng Code, Council action <br />~ust be prec~d~ by Plan C~,,i,,4.~ion review and a public hearing. <br /> <br />Mr. Cottc~ said he was concerned about what -_coined like prohibitive restric- <br />tic~ c~ signs that negatively affect potential businesses on Olive. He cit- <br />ed Rally's, which found the sign ordinance too limiting to locate here, and <br />the new McDonald's. He felt the current sign ordinance needs changing to <br />make it more business-friendly. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus said this rottar will go to the Plan C~m~.~ssion for their com- <br />ments and then Council will hold a public hearing. <br /> <br />Mrs. Schuman ask_~d_ if current zoning Code ~visions will include updating the <br />Sign C~de. Director of Plann/ng A1 Goldman said the consultant's charge was <br />to deal with the entire Zoning Code but the Request for Proposal specifically <br />stated that no changes in the sign ordinance were expected. The only change <br />the consultant ba~ proposed d~_!s with qu4rks in state law relative to bill- <br />boards, and he hopes th~ State Legislature will deal with that. <br /> <br />Mr. Cotto~ said he would like to see the sign ordinances frc~ Olivette, ~ve <br />Ooeur and Ladue because he wants to know b~ they corem%re to University City. <br />He also wished to know how University City's current sign ord/nance affects <br />business sign requests. Mr. Goldman said it would be easy to obtain copies <br />of these ordinances and draw a c~0arison. <br /> <br />LIOUOR LIC~qSE TRANSFER - 8159 OLIVE <br /> <br />The City Manager said Council may approve transferring the existing beer and <br />wine package licenses to the new 7-Eleven fra~ holder. ~ne Police De- <br />partment review shows no liquor violations by the applicant at his other lo- <br />cation, although he has violarc-d_ traffic and other laws on several oocasions. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer moved denial and Mrs. Schuman secom4_ed the motion. <br /> <br />In ~ to Mr. Cotton, Mr. Ollendorff said this type of transfer has been <br />done at other locations. Mr. Schoomer said he could recall only one case in <br />the last 12 years that a transfer was approved when the applicant had sc~e <br />law violatic~s. <br /> <br />The voice vote was unclear and a roll call vote showed Oouncilmembers Wagner, <br />Schuman, Scho~mer, and Mayor Majerus voting Aye, and Oounci~ Cotton, <br /> <br />ROTARY CLUB RF~3EST TO USE H~4AN PARK ~ C~'rER ~ ~ <br /> <br />The city Manager said th~ University City Rotary Club has asked to use the <br />C~ty Oen~mr at no charge for their luncheon meetings. He noted that <br />present rules do not allc~ this, but the Club feels an exception should be <br /> <br /> <br />
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