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Session 710, Hinutes <br />Au;ust 20, 1962 <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />pick up these boxes and all of this is to be included in the one rear end <br />load!ns unit - the other two would be the side loading units. He said <br />the specifications have been the same, practically speaking, for the past <br />few years inasmuch as the City had arrived at this type of body after <br />testing a number of other variant types of packer of the same general <br />nature, and having obtained satisfactory service from the present side <br />loaders it kept to those specifications. <br /> <br />CityManager Henry said that Canterbury Gardens has made a very thorough <br />survey on this matter, evidently tested quite a few boxes of different <br />makes and different designs and laid out a system whereby these boxes <br />might be properly placed for the convenience of the collection as well as <br />the convenience of the tenants and they arrived at the conclusion that <br />they wanted a particular type box which he believes is a Leach type box, <br />and they have so indicated to the administrative forces. In developing <br />the specifications, the City Manager explained, the City actually did not <br />state it wanted Leach equipment - it merely said that it should be able to <br />service the Leach boxes a~ actually, Gatwood is another that could sero <br />vice Leach boxes and they stated they would bid, but did not do so. He <br />said there are representatives from Canterbury Gardens present who can <br />discuss this unit with the Council. <br /> <br />~%m City Manager pointed out there. is very definite advantage in going to <br />a box system, and he said the City gets numerous complaints about the <br />cans at Canterbury Gardens and it is difficult to keep such a large number <br />covered and adequately concealed from all of the neighboring areas and <br />there are a number of problems associated with the cans which, in the <br />general environmental sanitation, the box units can take care of. He ex- <br />plained it is more expensive to service the cans because each of them has <br />to be handled by hand - one box is equivalent to possibly a dozen or two <br />cans - the net result of going to the box system is, at least it is hoped, <br />that the City can, in effect, give the same service to Canterbury Gardens <br />twice a week that the City gives everybody else - apartments or residences. <br />He said that as matters now stand, with the cans, Canterbury Gardens dur- <br />ing certain periods of the year has to have service at least four times a <br />week and they have a contract for, and pay for, this extra service. He <br />said that Canterbury will be buying the boxes o the City will buy the <br />equipment, and the City hopes to bring this service, in effect, more in <br />line, with City service generally. <br /> <br />The Mayor asked whether the City will not be picking up more garbage and <br />rubbish, and the City Manager said it will be picking up possibly 50%more <br />from Canterbury Gardens, but the fact that it will not be handled in cans <br />makes it possible to handle this in roughly two, three hour periods, a <br />week, and that is just about the amount of time which is spent on it now. <br /> <br />Upon invitation of the Mayor, Mr. James B. Walsh, Jr., manager of Canter- <br />bury Gardens, came forward. Mr. Walsh, answering questions put to him <br />by members of the Council, said they contemplate purchasing 106 containers. <br />The Hayor asked where the containers will be located, and Mr. Walsh re- <br />plied that a careful survey has been made and they will be located in <br />various places, in the rear o£ the apartment buildings -o some of the <br />residents will have to walk a little further than is presently necessary. <br />He said they now have 844 trash cans in use. Answering additional ques- <br />tions by the Mayor, Mr. Walsh said they had not contemplated screening <br />the boxes - the boxes will be green in color to blend in with the foliage <br />and grass. He said he has a map on which the proposed locations are desig- <br />nated. The Mayor said he would like to have someone from the administra- <br /> <br /> <br />
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