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<br />before the Council could act. <br /> <br /> <br /> Propose amendment to Council Rule 38, offered by Ms. Carr and Mr. Kraft <br />Ms. Carr stated that she and Mr. Kraft concluded with the following amendment to <br />Rule 38E. It read that with regard to Council Rule 38, an excused absence if a <br />board or commission member missed three consecutive meetings in a calendar <br />year, the Council Liaison could request that the Council send a letter to that board <br />or commission member to determine whether the member wished to continue <br />serving or wished to resign. If there was no response to the letter within three <br />weeks, or if the member continued to be absent without an excuse, the Council <br />could send a follow-up letter informing the member that he or she was deemed to <br />have resigned and will be replaced by the Council. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr said this applied only to unexcused absences and asked to consider <br />voting on this first before Council Rule 38F addition. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked if the point Mr. Sharpe had made earlier about letting the <br />Councilmember, who did the appointment, know of attendance problem so that <br />they may contact that person. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft said the rule was getting long. He said this practice would be a matter of <br />courtesy and it would be the Council liaison doing the communicating to the <br />appointing member. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch said that if the liaison noticed that one of Mr. Sharpe’s appointee <br />was not showing up, to please let Mr. Sharpe know. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr said absolutely. She said customarily in the past, she had contacted the <br />person whose name is next to that seat as a general courtesy. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow moved to approve Rule 38E, was seconded by Mr. Glickert and the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr stated that she and Mr. Kraft concluded with the following amendment to <br />Rule 38F. It read University City Citizens may serve on only one University City <br />Board or Commission at a time. Anyone who serves on one Board or Commission <br />may not be appointed or reappointed to the second Board or Commission. This <br />rule did not apply to the Mayor or Councilmembers. Ms. Carr felt this was to get <br />as many citizens involved as possible as stated earlier by the Mayor. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated that this was straightforward and noted that the reason the Mayor <br />and Councilmembers were exempt was that there are certain legally- defined <br />commissions that members were automatically on, as the T.I.F. commission. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked if those who are on the uniformed or non-uniformed pension <br />boards were exempt as only being on one board rather than two boards. <br /> <br />Ms. Carr said those members serve on both boards, but it is one appointment. She <br />said they have never been separate and would be treated as one commission. <br />16 <br /> <br /> <br />