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the traffic volumes and speeds. <br /> <br />The City of University City has the option to offer the residents a restriction to prohibit through traffic on certain <br />streets at certain hours. If the Police Department would be agreeable with prohibiting through traffic as <br />proposed by the resident, the Department of Public Work and Parks recommends that a petition with over 75% <br />of the adjacent property owners affected by the cut through shall be submitted to the Department of Public <br />Works and Parks for administrative review and further approval by the Traffic Commission and City Council. <br /> <br /> <br />6. Loop Trolley Project – UPDATE <br /> <br />Traffic <br /> <br />The City received a Traffic Impact Study including analysis of the Trolley operations impact on different <br />scenarios. Copy of the study was presented to the Traffic Commission at the last meeting for the <br />Commission’s information and possible discussion at the meeting. This Traffic Impact Study - TIS was part of <br />the Plan Commission approval of the Trolley at their February 27, 2013 meeting. The City Council approved <br />the Conditional Use Permit to build the Trolley at their March 11, 2013 meeting. This approval includes a <br />statement that the implementation and operation of the trolley would result in slightly degraded traffic <br />operations at the study area intersections, but all intersections would be anticipated to operate at a Level of <br />Service D or better. The analysis also included recommendations for additional turn lanes at specified <br />intersections and signal upgrades. The Department of Public Works and Parks staff has indicated that the <br />anticipated Level of Service is within acceptable levels and are in agreement with the results of the analysis. <br />The recommendations included in the report and all other recommended conditions from the Department of <br />Public Works and Park’s review should be incorporated into the final plans of the Trolley project. The <br />conditions are as follows: <br /> <br />1. Provide Lighting Maintenance Agreement <br />2. Provide trolley route maintenance agreement <br />3. Provide parking mitigation plan approved by Traffic Commission (9 spaces to date) <br />4. Provide permanent easement for trolley (includes concrete, tracks and wiring) <br />5. Provide fund for removal of tracks in case of future failure <br />6. Provide safety plan/SOP’s/emergency procedures and training for City EMS <br />7. Provide traffic signal synchronization agreement (to be done six months after start of operation) <br />8. Obtain University City right-of-way permit <br />9. Obtain University City forestry activity permit <br /> <br /> <br />Parking <br /> <br />The Delmar Loop Area Parking Study is being prepared by the traffic engineer CBB, to include all the <br />previously identified issues the Delmar Loop faces, and are part of the implementation of the Loop Trolley <br />project. Surveys were sent to businesses and obtained over 20 responses about loading and parking needs – <br />a public meeting was held on April 23, 2013 and public input from different businesses was gathered. The <br />study will be completed within 30 days and will be presented at a future Traffic Commission meeting. <br /> <br />7. Driveable Mock Roundabout on Delmar Blvd and Trinity Ave - UPDATE <br /> <br />The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) submitted to the City by the Traffic Engineer CBB, contains a list of <br />recommendations for the City to consider. As mentioned above, the findings of the report revealed that all <br />intersections (including Delmar Blvd and Trinity Ave) would be anticipated to operate at a Level of Service D or <br />better. Recently there have been some doubts about whether the Roundabout is properly designed to fit this <br />intersection, even when the simulation model part of the TIS demonstrates that Level of Service will be <br />acceptable. <br /> <br />In order to address the concern about the traffic functionality of the proposed roundabout, the City is planning <br />to temporarily install a drivable mock roundabout at the intersection of Delmar Blvd and Trinity Ave. The plan <br />is to replicate the design of the roundabout proposed in the upcoming project to be able to measure the <br />effectiveness of the current design of the future roundabout. The proposed temporary roundabout <br />improvements include the following: <br />- Installation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of Asphalt Curb along the edges of Delmar and Trinity <br /> 2 <br /> <br /> <br />