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O <br /> <br />Sessiel 1595, Minutes <br />June 7, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Mrs. Sc~m~n said the Pianning Director suggested CezEil may wish to reeerve <br />the right to l~m~t seating to 40 ~uring the lunch period. Mr. Ollerrbrff <br />questioned whether such a cce3dition would be enf~hle. Mrs. Sd~m~n said <br />her c~servati(m of the restaurant at lunch t~m~- suggests traffic is light; <br />even an~ng scee ~hles, she doubt~__ it would increase ~w~ and felt the con- <br />ditiel was unnecessary. <br /> <br />The ~ re~3ort for the period era{ng June 5, 1993, was received and or- <br />dered filed. Mr. Ollendorff said the ~loyment figure shown for last year <br />should be 319 instead of 329. <br /> <br />Mrs. Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, said prnblM in the Fire Department have <br />been written about widely, and she asked if the Fire Chief is to investigate <br />th~ Department, as reported in the newspaper. Mr. Ollendorff said that w~s <br /> <br />Glickert outside the meetirr/. She sugges~a that an objective person outside <br />tba ~j~t de the investigating. Also, she thought it might be app~uri- <br />ate to appoint a citizens o-,...~ttee to study the De~artme~. She felt these <br />capable fir~n~n could be better utilized for the benefit of the citizens in <br />University City than they are now. <br /> <br />Mayor Pro Tern ~a~ms said Mayor Majerus asked that the third l~alng of Bills <br />8128 and 8129 be po~quc~ed until the next meeting. He said sevex-ul citizens <br />wisbad to c~ment on these bills, and it was n~cided they could do so now. <br /> <br />Mrs. Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, said all are aware that she ub~x~as any re- <br />laxation of the truck parking ordinances. TnEks par~ed c~ tba street lower <br />pAuperty values, she said, notir~ assessed valuatimls in the Third Wa~d have <br />decr~-~ed. She suggest~__ doing a study on assessed valuati~ls of pkoperties <br />north of Olive. She said the City and School District are tied to pAuperty <br />values, so all should be cornerned. Also, violatic~m shown in the [~KYcce she <br />gave the Council in Febp,~,'y still exist. <br /> <br />In respelse to Mrs. T/~ec~, Mayor Pro Ten ~ said Bills 8128 and 8129 <br />amend the o~ adopt~ in Febl~m~y by incorporating the original reDoe- <br />mendations of the Plan Cu~dssion. <br /> <br />Mr. Stepban Glickert, 7750 Blackberry, said making the truck ordinances less <br />restrictive has not improved enforcement b~r~use tbare are still 13 viola- <br />ticr~ existing ~1 a list be present~ in Febl~m~y. He said be felt betrayed <br />because be worked to o-~,Lle the list but many of the violations have not <br /> <br />wants to relax the ordinance further. Mr. Sdloceer said the violations noted <br />by Mr. Glickert were dlecked, with nearly all cited and most still in court. <br /> <br />Ma. Bette Bush, 200 Tanden, said as a real estate agent, she believes trucks <br /> <br /> <br />