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County Fee <br /> Mate User Fee 1.00 <br /> Total a� <br /> DEED OF EASEMENT <br /> THIS DEED, made the 26th day of July, 1983, between the City of <br /> University City, a municipal corporation duly organized under the laws of the <br /> State of Missouri, in the County of St. Louis, hereinafter referred to as <br /> "Grantor", and STATE OF MISSOURI, by and through the Director, Department of <br /> Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee". <br /> WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner, in fee simple, of the following <br /> described property, to-wit: <br /> Part of Block 4 of University Heights, a subdivision of <br /> University City, Missouri, described by the following <br /> metes and bounds: Beginning at a point in the west <br /> line of Harvard Avenue (formerly Oberlin Avenue) a <br /> street in the above mentioned subdivision, said point <br /> being three hundred seventy two and no/100 (372.00) feet <br /> north of the northwest corner of Harvard Avenue (former- <br /> ly Oberlin Avenue) and Delmar Boulevard; thence <br /> westwardly along a line having an angle of ninety (90) <br /> degrees to the said west line of said Harvard Avenue <br /> (formerly Oberlin Avenue) , a distance of one hundred <br /> thirty nine and no/100 (139.00) feet to a point; thence <br /> northwardly along a line having a ninety (90) degree <br /> angle to the foregoing line a distance of fifty and <br /> no/100 (50.00) feet to a point; thence westwardly along <br /> a line having a ninety (90) degree angle to the fore- <br /> going line, a distance of one hundred forty-six and <br /> no/100 (146.00) feet more or less, to the east line of <br /> Trinity Avenue (formerly Harvard Avenue); thence north- <br /> wardly and eastwardly along the arc of a curve on the <br /> east line of Trinity Avenue (formerly Harvard Avenue) <br /> and west and north line of Block four (4) of University <br /> Heights Subdivision, a distance of Four hundred ninety <br /> feet to the intersection with the west line of Harvard <br /> Avenue (formerly Oberlin Avenue); thence southwardly <br /> along the said west line of Harvard Avenue (formerly <br /> Oberlin Avenue) , a distance of two hundred severty-six <br /> and no/100 (276.00) feet to the point of beginning. <br /> WHEREAS, the Grantor has applied for fiscal year 1983: Federal <br /> Jobs Bill/Historic Preservation Fund, grant-in-aid administered by the <br /> Grantee, Missouri Department of Natural Resources; and <br /> WHEREAS, Grantor owns the aforementioned real estate by Warranty <br /> Deed, recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office for St. Louis County, Mis- <br /> souri, on May 15, 1930, in Book 1088 at page 113 and amended on June 20, <br /> 1968, as recorded in Book 6333, page 2316; and <br /> WHEREAS, Grantee, as an additional condition to its granting any <br /> Federal grant-in-aid, required that Grantor execute and record this Deed of <br /> Easement. .',f c�c <br /> Si.Ld,11S <br /> FOP, RECOJIT <br /> 278 3 �U 26 M 1: 30 <br /> P,00:75MPACE 838 <br />