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WHEREAS, the City Council did, by Ordinance Number 5430, passed the <br /> 21st day of May, 1984, adopt and approve the plans, specifications and esti- <br /> mate of the "Whole Cost" for the above mentioned street improvement, and did <br /> find and declare such improvement necessary to be made; and did direct the <br /> City Clerk to advertise for bids in a legal newspaper of general circulation <br /> in St. Louis County, Missouri, and did provide for the payment of said street <br /> improvement, and <br /> WHEREAS, advertisement for bids having been duly published on the <br /> 6th day of August, 1984, in the Watchman Advocate, a legal newspaper of <br /> general circulation in St. Louis County, Missouri, inviting bids for the above <br /> mentioned improvement designated as Project No. 771; and <br /> WHEREAS, said bids were received and opened on the 16th day of <br /> August, 1984, at the time and place specified in aforesaid notice and the <br /> R & E Asphalt Service, Inc., contractor, was found to be the lowest responsi- <br /> ble bidder; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Manager did on the 20th day of August, 1984, award <br /> the contract for the paving of herein mentioned Trenton Avenue to R & E <br /> Asphalt Service, Inc., contractor, at the unit prices set forth in their bid, <br /> subject to approval by the City Council; and <br /> WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 5444, passed the 20th day of August, 1984, <br /> did approve the action of the City Manager in awarding the contract for the <br /> paving of herein mentioned Trenton Avenue to R & E Asphalt Service, Inc. , <br /> contractor; and <br /> WHEREAS, the. City Manager did on the 10th day of September, 1984, <br /> entered into a contract with R & E Asphalt Service, Inc., contractor, for the <br /> said improvement of Trenton Avenue at the unit prices set forth in their bid; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, all the work .called for in said contract has been performed <br /> and said improvement is now completed; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Manager caused the "Whole Cost" to be computed by <br /> the Director of Public Works . <br /> 2 <br />