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recognized by the State of Missouri, are recognized and shall govern weighing and measuring equipment and <br />transactions in the County. <br /> <br />618.030 <br /> <br />Definitions of Special Units of Measure. <br /> <br />(1) The term "barrel" when used in connection with Fermented liquor, shall mean a unit of thirty- <br />one (31) gallons. <br /> <br />(2) The term "ton" shall mean a unit of two thousand (2,000) pounds avoirdupois weight. <br /> <br />(3) The term "cord", when used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, shall mean <br />the amount of wood that is contained in a space of one hundred twenty-eight (128) cubic feet, when <br />the wood is ranked and well stowed and one-half the kerf of the wood is included. <br /> <br />618.040 <br /> <br />Standards of Weight and Measure and Equipment. <br /> <br /> There shall be supplied by the County such equipmere as may be found necessary to carry out the <br />provision of this chapter including sets of"field standards" to be used by the Supervisor, the Chief Inspector <br />and the inspectors in carrying out and performing their duties. Such field standards which consist of weights <br />and measures shall be in conformity with the Standards of the United States and the Standards of the State <br />of Missouri and shall when the same shall have been certified as such by the State of Missouri, be considered <br />as the official standards of weights and measures of St. Louis County, Missouri. Field standards shall be <br />verified upon their initial receipt and at least once each year thereafter by direct comparison with the <br />standards of the State of Missouri. <br /> <br />618.050 <br /> <br />Establishment - Supervisor and Chief Inspector, Inspectors. <br /> <br /> There is created and established within the Division of Public Works and Building Regulation an <br />oilice of Weights and Measures. Said office shall be headed by a Supervisor of Weights and Measures for <br />St. Louis County who shall be appoimed by the County Executive with the confirmation of the County <br />Council. There shall be a Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures and County inspectors of weights and <br />measures together with the necessary technical and clerical personnel who shall be appointed by the <br />Supervisor of the Division with the approval of the Coumy Executive. The Supervisor is authorized to <br />employ such inspectors and other personnel and shall be allowed for salaries for himself, the Chief Inspector, <br />the inspectors, any other personnel and for necessary equipmere, supplies and expenses such compensation <br />and sums as may be provided by other ordinances of the County. <br /> <br />WTAO(Rev)-2 <br /> <br /> <br />