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Session 1794 <br />October 16, 2000 <br /> <br />does not target these specific lots for redevelopment, it does designate the lots just west of <br />this site as major areas for redevelopment. I believe that the construction of the proposed <br />apartment building will encourage other redevelopment in this area. Conditions on the site <br />plan should include the building and property shall be developed, constructed, and <br />maintained in compliance with plans submitted with the approved application, a detailed <br />landscape plan, installation, and maintenance including substantial tree planting, the <br />height and mass of the structure shall be restricted to that shown on the approved site <br />plan, sufficient lighting of all exterior areas including the front parking area, drainage and <br />grading arrangements shall be approved by Metropolitan Sewer District and the City Public <br />Works Department, an exhaust control for common facilities shall be installed and <br />maintained, and a detailed construction, traffic control, and parking plan must be <br />submitted and approved. This is the type of high quality development Council has directed <br />staff to encourage. Mr. Ollendorff said that the immediate property owners were notified <br />approximately 10 days ago that this meeting would be their opportunity to be heard. The <br />plans were made available to a couple of residents who had called about this project. <br /> <br />Paul Berry, representative for the applicant, is an architect with Trivers Associates, Inc. in <br />St. Louis. Mr. Berry described the project in general terms for the City Council. He stated <br />that the developer Mark Manlin and Trivers Associates did meet with residents on <br />Northmoor, which went very well. He wished to make sure that the Council understood <br />that everything which is being done on this project is according to the City's zoning code <br />and they are not asking for any variances. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner thanked Mr. Berry for having the meeting with the neighbors. Responding to <br />Mr. Wagner, Mr. Berry said that they informed all the neighbors immediately south of the <br />project. They met at the Erker residence. No residents from Forsythe were at the meeting. <br />Mr. Berry gave a brief synopsis of the meeting. Responding further to Mr. Wagner, Mr. <br />Berry said that there would be a private waste hauler that would come to the building to <br />pick all the trash up in one central location. For parking requirements, there are 25 parking <br />spaces and two tandem spaces which are in a private, secured garage. There are two guest <br />parking spaces in front of the building to the east of the new drive. Mr. Munkel asked that <br />the two spaces outside be expanded to a larger number, because the residents are bound to <br />have more than a couple of guests at a time, which will require them to park in the street. <br />Mr. Munkel understands that there will be on street parking available as well, but he would <br />like to see more spaces added out front. Mr. Berry believes that this could be done, but it <br />would ultimately be up to the developers. There is a 40' frontyard setback, so there is lawn <br />area to add a couple of more spaces. Mr. Berry continued saying that currently there are <br />four curb cuts to the property, but they intend to remove three of them in order to create <br />about five more on street parking spaces. Mr. Munkel said that since this plan meets the <br />code, that we could not force them to add the spots, but he would like to see these extra <br />spaces added. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />