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of the people who came here to talk and asked that their statements be attached to the minutes, <br />but they are not really being attached to the minutes. She moved to amend to motion to accept <br />the minutes and requested that the attachments be included with the minutes on the website and <br />was seconded by Mr. Crow. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft stated that at this point in time, any discussion about how the minutes should be <br />compiled was out of order. <br /> <br />Voice vote on Dr. Carr’s motion to amend the motion to approve the minutes failed. <br /> <br />Dr. Carr noted that together, Council’s packet and the attachments constituted approximately 100 <br />pages. She stated that she would not approve any minutes that do not also include the <br />attachments. <br /> <br />Voice vote on the motion of Mr. Jennings to approve the minutes as written, carried by a majority, <br />with a nay vote from Dr. Carr. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch reminded members of the audience that if they would like to speak to Council on <br />agenda or non-agenda items they should fill out a Speaker Request form that can be found to the <br />left of the door into the chamber. Speakers should indicate if they want to speak on an agenda or <br />a non-agenda item, and note the agenda item number on the form. The completed form should <br />be placed in the plastic trays in front of the City Clerk, and comments will be limited to five <br />minutes. Council cannot discuss personnel matters, legal or real estate issues in public sessions. <br />Questions raised at this meeting will not be immediately responded to by Council or the City <br />Manager. However responses will be provided by an appropriate person as quickly as possible. <br />Citizens who wish to make a comment may do so during either of the Citizen’s comment sections <br />on the agenda or if they choose to speak on a specific agenda item they will be called to the <br />podium at the proper time. It is Council’s intent to conduct their meetings in a manner that is at all <br />times respectful to members of staff, the community and fellow City Councilmembers. Personal <br />attacks on Councilmembers and staff will be ruled out of order. <br /> <br />F. APPOINTMENTS <br /> <br />1. <br />David Stokes nominated for appointment to CALOP by Mr. Kraft, replacing Eric Friedman, <br />seconded by Mr. Crow and the motion carried unanimously. <br />2. <br />Mary Pat Gallagher nominated for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission by <br />Mr. Kraft and was seconded by Mr. Jennings. <br /> <br />Point of Order: Dr. Carr stated that several years ago an appointee was removed from a Board <br />because Council had not been given 24 hours notice which violated the Sunshine Law. Therefore <br />Mr. Kraft’s nomination for appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission should be <br />handled in the same manner. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow stated that while he thinks the world of Ms. Gallagher but agreed with Dr. Carr’s <br />analysis and believed that there should be a certain level of consistency. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch stated that the preceding City Attorney, as well as the current City Attorney, both <br />agreed that this is a tentative agenda and therefore can be amended the night of the meeting. <br />She stated that her belief is that the person Dr. Carr was referring to was removed for an <br />unrelated matter. <br /> <br />Voice vote on Mr. Kraft’s motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />G.SWEARING IN <br /> <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />