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H.CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (Total of 15 minutes allowed) <br /> <br />Jan Adams, 7150 Cambridge Avenue, University City, MO <br />Ms. Adams responded to the following comments made at the last City Council meeting stating: <br /> <br /> A review of the past two years agenda revealed that Councilmembers Carr & Crow <br />requested on 13 occasions that a topic be placed on the agenda for a vote without <br />providing any information to Council. <br /> <br /> Prior to the last meeting Mr. Gene Ruth was caught on videotape removing the requests to <br />address Council, public documents that had been placed on the dais. <br /> <br /> The legal documents that form the Citizens for Restoring Transparency (CRT) provide <br />minimal information regarding its members and funding. Requests to amend this <br />document to ensure full disclosure and transparency have yet to be honored. <br />Ms. Adams asked that her written comments be attached to the minutes. <br /> <br />Gregory Pace, 7171 Westmoreland, University City, MO <br />Mr. Pace stated that he would like to submit his name in response to the City’s RFQ seeking <br />qualifications for assessing options to renovate the City’s police station and the solicitation of <br />citizen participation. <br /> He then thanked Dr. Carr for initiating a repository for Board and Commission audio <br />recordings and suggested that the first recording placed in her public domain be that of the Traffic <br />Commission meeting of October 10, 2012, since it led to serious allegations about the Council <br />liaison about which that the public has a right to be informed about. <br /> <br />Beth Norton, 734 Trinity Avenue, University City, MO <br />Ms. Norton stated that while she does believe in fairness and balance, she also believes that <br />there are two members of this Council who consider themselves to be beyond reproach. She <br />expressed the rationale associated with her beliefs and encouraged both members to stop forcing <br />this community to go through all of their constant attempts to advance their egos. Ms. Norton <br />asked that her comments be attached to the minutes. <br /> <br />Elise Glickert, 6712 Etzel, University City, MO <br />Ms. Glickert stated that a traffic count was conducted prior to the installation of the temporary <br />roundabout and believes that it is now time to conduct a subsequent study to determine its current <br />impact on traffic. <br /> <br />Bwayne Smotherson, 1243 Purdue Avenue, University City, MO <br />Mr. Smotherson believed that if Council was going to approve the marketing strategy which <br />included a new logo, by ignoring anything the Commission, as well as the residents who attended <br />their meetings had to say. He stated that while he absolutely understands that this is an advisory <br />Commission he did not volunteer to serve on Arts and Letters to be handled, manipulated, muted <br />and dismissed. Mr. Smotherson stated that every aspect of the City’s logo has been poorly <br />presented, voted against twice by the Arts and Letters Commission and suspiciously approved by <br /> <br />Council. Mr. Smotherson asked that his written comments be attached to the minutes. <br /> <br />I.PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />1. <br />Public Hearing to consider proposal for a Text Amendment to the Zoning Code related to <br />outdoor dining in all commercial zoning districts. Mayor Welsch opened the public hearing at <br />6:57 p.m., and hearing no request to speak the hearing was closed at 6:57 p.m. <br /> <br />2. <br />Public Hearing to consider proposal for a Text Amendment to the Zoning Code related to <br />portable signs in all commercial zoning districts. Mayor Welsch opened the public hearing at <br />6:57 p.m., and hearing no request to speak the hearing was closed at 6:58 p.m. <br /> <br />J. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br /> <br />